Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term or phrase:
coupures des campagnes
English translation:
campaign snippets
Added to glossary by
B D Finch
Aug 15, 2012 08:31
12 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term
coupures des campagnes
French to English
Online Marketing & Ad Campaigns
Hi Folks,
I must be feeling very cautious today. Can I translate the above as campaign reductions (cuts) or is there more to the term than this? I know that 'coupures publicitaires' are commercial breaks so I am worried that I may be mistranslating the above.
The following excerpt (a bullet point) comes from a case study on the benefits of using a particular company's software to optimise online campaigns.
Les résultats financiers sont également très importants :
ƒ CPC a augmenté de 27% en moyenne sur les 6 derniers mois (de nombreuses **coupures des campagnes** sont à l’origine de cette augmentation). Sur les 2 derniers mois le CPC a diminué de 16% en moyenne.
Thank you,
I must be feeling very cautious today. Can I translate the above as campaign reductions (cuts) or is there more to the term than this? I know that 'coupures publicitaires' are commercial breaks so I am worried that I may be mistranslating the above.
The following excerpt (a bullet point) comes from a case study on the benefits of using a particular company's software to optimise online campaigns.
Les résultats financiers sont également très importants :
ƒ CPC a augmenté de 27% en moyenne sur les 6 derniers mois (de nombreuses **coupures des campagnes** sont à l’origine de cette augmentation). Sur les 2 derniers mois le CPC a diminué de 16% en moyenne.
Thank you,
Proposed translations
3 +1 | campaign snippets | B D Finch |
3 | suspended campaigns | Jocelyne Cuenin |
Change log
Aug 21, 2012 09:50: B D Finch Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
2 hrs
campaign snippets › Xbox › Previews
"We know all know the promo process: release a few campaign snippets then drip-feed multiplayer footage right up until release."
"No other reason than to make sure in the soundbites and campaign snippets remind people how brave he was to go there personally ..."
"We know all know the promo process: release a few campaign snippets then drip-feed multiplayer footage right up until release."
"No other reason than to make sure in the soundbites and campaign snippets remind people how brave he was to go there personally ..."
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: My reading seems illogical! Whatever it is - there was a positive effect on hits.
9 mins
Thanks kashew
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "I am very sorry for the late closure. I have opted for this one as it seems the most logical to me too. I am awaiting feedback from the client. Thank you for your help.
2 hrs
suspended campaigns
C'est une suggestion que je propose (merci, Philippa ! cf discussion) : "Est il possible de perdre des positions en liens sponsorisés lorsque l'on coupe une campagne adwords ? Description des conséquences d'un arrêt temporaire ..."
"This quick start guide will explain how to begin or return to the edit phase of a Drip Marketing Campaign Sequence, from the Campaign Sequence Manager screen.
In order to edit a Campaign Sequence, your Sequence must have a Status of either in construction (the crossed hammer and wrench), completed (the checkmark icon), or suspended (the red octagon).
o To edit your Campaign Sequence during construction, completed or suspended Status, simply check the Edit button and then edit whatever Stages you need to.
To return to the editable mode when your Campaign Sequence is in launched Status (either the yellow or green dot), first click on the Suspend button to put your Sequence into suspend mode. Once you have done this and confirmed it, the Edit button will reappear.
Once you have made all of the changes you need to, initiate or reinitiate the launch process to get the “in construction” or suspended campaigns going again."
Note added at 1 day3 hrs (2012-08-16 12:09:47 GMT)
Si c'est un logiciel qui se doit d'optimiser les campagnes publicitaires, cela peut être logique qu'on fasse plus souvent appel à ce software quand il y a des problèmes de coupure.
Mais il n'y a que le contexte qui puisse nous mettre dans la bonne voie.
"This quick start guide will explain how to begin or return to the edit phase of a Drip Marketing Campaign Sequence, from the Campaign Sequence Manager screen.
In order to edit a Campaign Sequence, your Sequence must have a Status of either in construction (the crossed hammer and wrench), completed (the checkmark icon), or suspended (the red octagon).
o To edit your Campaign Sequence during construction, completed or suspended Status, simply check the Edit button and then edit whatever Stages you need to.
To return to the editable mode when your Campaign Sequence is in launched Status (either the yellow or green dot), first click on the Suspend button to put your Sequence into suspend mode. Once you have done this and confirmed it, the Edit button will reappear.
Once you have made all of the changes you need to, initiate or reinitiate the launch process to get the “in construction” or suspended campaigns going again."
Note added at 1 day3 hrs (2012-08-16 12:09:47 GMT)
Si c'est un logiciel qui se doit d'optimiser les campagnes publicitaires, cela peut être logique qu'on fasse plus souvent appel à ce software quand il y a des problèmes de coupure.
Mais il n'y a que le contexte qui puisse nous mettre dans la bonne voie.
Note from asker:
Petitavoine, I am very grateful for your help. Sara |
suspend a campaign, suspendre sa campagne
se voit aussi sous Google : suspended campaign 'AdWords
Est il possible de perdre des positions en liens sponsorisés lorsque l'on coupe une campagne adwords ? Description des conséquences d'un arrêt temporaire ...