Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

Diaphragmes mobiles. ROT negatif

English translation:

normal diaphragm mobility. Normal osteo-tendinous reflexes

Added to glossary by Marianne van Lunter
Jul 27, 2005 20:06
19 yrs ago
4 viewers *
French term

Diaphragmes mobiles. ROT negatif

French to English Medical Medical: Health Care Neurologic condition of patient
Part of a description of the neurologic condition of a patient.

Discussion Jul 27, 2005:
Thank you, Marianne..

Proposed translations

1 hr

normal diaphragm mobility. Normal osteo-tendinous reflexes

normal diaphragm mobility (or function)
Normal osteo-tendinous reflexes

ROT=réflexe ostéo tendineux
ROT négatif=test normal
Peer comment(s):

agree María Roberto (X)
3 hrs
agree Hervé du Verle
7 hrs
agree Jason Willis-Lee : neurologicAL condition
18 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you so much, Marianne!"
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