This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jun 17, 2013 20:54
11 yrs ago
French term

à bords fondus

French to English Tech/Engineering Metallurgy / Casting Welding
This term is found in a document regulating the adaptation of pressure equipment to Tunisian standards. when discussing the applicable regulation, it provides a list of relevant legislation, among which is:

"arrêté du Ministre des Travaux Publics règlementant dans les appareils à vapeur et à pression de gaz, la soudure *a bords fondus* sur fer ou acier."

I am assuming that a is a typo for à.

All suggestions are welcome.
Proposed translations (English)
5 melted edges
4 cast steel or iron
Change log

Jun 23, 2013 22:16: Yolanda Broad changed "Term asked" from "a bords fondus " to "à bords fondus "


chris collister Jun 18, 2013:
By definition, welding requires two solid (ice, plastic, metal,...) surfaces to be in the liquid state such that perfect mixing occurs between the two liquids. On freezing, the two surfaces are "welded" together. In this sense you could argue that "bord fondu" is a bit redundant, though there are many types of weld: spot welds, friction welds, gas, electric, etc. on many types of material and in many mechanical configurations.
Maybe it is indeed just an edge joint, as mchd suggests.

Proposed translations

8 mins
French term (edited): a bords fondus

melted edges

dear i think the are talking of melted edges of iron or steel."
Peer comment(s):

neutral Bashiqa : How do you weld melted edges?
1 min
neutral mchd : la traduction mot pour mot n'est pas souvent recommandée !
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
13 mins
French term (edited): a bords fondus

cast steel or iron

Probaly refers to 'butt welded' pipes and fittings.
Peer comment(s):

neutral mchd : le contexte porte sur "la soudure"
8 hrs
I thought my explanation mentioned 'weld'.
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

8 hrs

soudure à bords fondus

typo dans votre texte.
Ci-après définitions qui pourraient vous aider :
Note from asker:
Thank you Mchd. This has been very useful.
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