Sep 9, 2005 01:08
19 yrs ago
French term

parking cimenté

French to English Other Other
In a commercial lease:

- La moitié du parking cimenté pour camions se situant devant les magasins , étant entendu que l’autre partie cimentée du parking pourra également être utilisée par le preneur en fonction des disponibilités de place

I am wondering about "cimenté" - is this just a parking garage? Because I have never heard of a "cemented parking lot", at least not here in the States. Or is it just a "parking lot"? Or either/or...?


Gina W (asker) Sep 10, 2005:
Thank you, everyone.

Proposed translations

7 hrs
French term (edited): parking ciment�

hard standing

Is certainly one way to refer to a parking area that is in some way metalled (concrete, tarmac or other)

Otherwise, what's wrong with just 'concreted parking area' --- it's just that in English we say 'concrete' where French says 'cement'.

You didn't mention if you wanted UK or US English, but bear in mind that car park is more BE and parking lot more AE.
Peer comment(s):

agree PB Trans : concrete parking lot / concrete car park
5 hrs
Thanks, Pina!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci:)"
12 mins
French term (edited): parking ciment�

paved parking (lot)

Peer comment(s):

agree PB Trans
12 mins
agree sarahl (X)
27 mins
agree Susan Spier (X)
34 mins
agree NatalieD
55 mins
agree PFB (X)
3 hrs
agree Dr Sue Levy (X) : pave paradise, put up a parking lot :-)
5 hrs
agree Bourth (X) : As opposed to "gravilloné" for example, or "en terre cuite" ...
6 hrs
agree Paige Stanton (X)
10 hrs
agree ineveryl : yeah, but I'd leave "lot" completely off
12 hrs
disagree Richard Hedger : Paved parking is not specific enough. Better to different this from any other material such as asphalt. Concrete paved parking is correct.
1 day 12 hrs
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16 mins
French term (edited): parking ciment�

blacktop parking lot

as opposed to ...? the field behind the barn?
Peer comment(s):

disagree Tony M : 'blacktop' suggested tarmac (= goudronné) to me, but I think this is concrete instead.
6 hrs
2 countries separated by a common language! lol
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1 day 12 hrs
French term (edited): parking ciment�

concrete paved parking

"parking cimenté" is not a technical term even in French.
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