Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Enza Longo
Feb 21, 2005 12:58
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term


Non-PRO French to English Other Telecom(munications) service agreement
Dans le cadre du support sur le site du CLIENT, le CLIENT met à la disposition de ce support un poste de travail. Les quote-part Logistique et développement sont en conséquence déduites du TJM sur les POSTES concernés.

deducted from the TJM of the concerned (work)stations ????


Michel A. Feb 21, 2005:
taux journaliers moyens - definitely Feb 21, 2005:
additional info I don't know if this helps, but this follows the headings:
2. Conditions d��tablissement des prix
2.1. TJM(s) Applicables


Les TJM(s) applicables lors de l�ex�cution du pr�sent contrat sont d�finis dans l'avenant 1 du contrat cadre soit au rappel 845 Euros hors taxes. Feb 21, 2005:
Hi Charlie CLIENT was already capitalised, but I capitalized poste myself so that it should be easier to spot.
Charlie Bavington Feb 21, 2005:
Since POSTES, like CLIENT, is in caps, I am wondering whether in fact you already have a "definition" of POSTE (in caps) as I'm sure you do for CLIENT. Or did you put the caps yourself?

Proposed translations

1 min

yes , "workstations"

Peer comment(s):

13 mins
agree amritha : it is workstations
26 mins
agree Glen McCulley : i agree and it seems to me a workstation IS a "TJM"...
28 mins
agree Jocelyne S
48 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Francis - After analysing the document further, I realise they are referring to the workstations. Thanks to Michel as well for his input"
14 mins

of the concerned expense items

workstation does not make sense - it's a poste de dépense TJM = taux journalier moyen
Peer comment(s):

agree Dr Sue Levy (X)
25 mins
neutral Monica Sandor : Could it be that both are meant - more context would help, but if it's an agreement for onsite service and the client provides the work station, then the contractor can't charge the client for the expenses of a work station?
1 hr
Yes, I meant the French does not make sense (with WS) not the logic :-)
agree Charlie Bavington : "...items involved" (sounds more English).
1 hr
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