Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

prefinished flooring

Added to glossary by Kenneth Beattie
Oct 24, 2004 10:26
20 yrs ago
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Architecture
Term appears in a specification for a house in a list of other types of flooring such as:


Attempted translation:

solid timber flooring

(Not quite sure what is meant by "fertig" in this case.)
Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 prefinished flooring
4 +4 wood laminate flooring
3 +1 pre-fabricated flooring

Proposed translations

3 hrs

prefinished flooring

...may be more appropriate if you don't know whether it is real wood or a laminate.
Peer comment(s):

agree Nancy Arrowsmith : it usually is a real wood floor, although who knows from the context?
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, a good general term which fits the context well. "
4 mins

wood laminate flooring

i.e. no floorboards - supplied in larger slats with a hardwood upper surface, above plywood and MDF layers.
Peer comment(s):

agree Mariana Moreira : Obrigado !!! in Portuguese...
1 min
Obrigado ;-)
neutral Brandis (X) : lamination is one sided solution, depending upon the composition the final material may have various names. we are not talking about composition, but pre-fabricated wooden flooring. I did mathematics and industrial design, architecture was Nebenfach.
39 mins
To: kenbe: As an architect, check out for reassurance.
agree Wolf Brosius (X) : there are many types of laminate manufacture including finger joiting etc.all applicable to wood but excluding tiles.Fertig=instant as in DIY.
1 hr
They fit this for makeovers AND in new houses in DE (the tongue and groove stuff) Trad. parquet is becoming history. I'd LOVE to have a solid hardwood floor, but I don't live where you do ;-)
agree sonja29 (X)
3 hrs
Thanks Sonja
agree Dr. Fred Thomson
4 hrs
Thanks Fred
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Comment: "Hi and thanks for all your thoughts. The author could indeed be referring to wood laminate flooring but in this case I prefer the more general term "prefinished" (less specific) and it works ok in the context. The author also sometimes refers to "Holzlaminatboden" or "Laminatboden" so perhaps something else was meant in this case?"
8 mins

pre-fabricated flooring

pre-fabricated flooring
Peer comment(s):

neutral Textklick : That would also apply to linoleum, PVC and rush mats
3 mins
this could also be made of wood, recycled or re-inforced wood etc., sorry
agree Kathinka van de Griendt : can be anything, just means prefab. So, prefabricated wood flooring
1 hr
Something went wrong...
Comment: "Thanks very much - this one would definitely work, I prefer "prefinished flooring" though (answer number 3) as it perhaps works better with flooring..."
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