Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

einbrechend (Markt)

English translation:

partial breakdown of the market/slump/

Added to glossary by davidgreen
Nov 24, 2004 09:08
20 yrs ago
German term

einbrechend (Markt)

Non-PRO German to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
What's a good way to say this. I considered "imploding market" but that might be too dramatic...

Sowohl bei der Auswahl als auch bei der Fuehrung der Mitarbeiter bewies Herr Dr. Tollmensch eine glueckliche Hand, wodurch die Arbeitsatmosphaere im Unternehmen - trotz der immer wieder erforderlichen Anpassungsmassnahmen aufgrund des *einbrechenden Marktes* - durch Offenheit, Kooperativitaet, Kreativitaet und Leistungsstaerke gepraegt war.

In selecting as well as managing staff Dr. Tollmensch demonstrated a glueckliche hand, as a result of which the work atmosphere in the company – despite the constantly necessary adjustment/anpassungs measures due to the einbrechenden market – was always marked by openness, cooperation, creativity and high performance.
Proposed translations (English)
4 partial breakdown of the market
3 +1 softening demand
3 slump
3 market downturn (recession)
3 collapse

Proposed translations

4 mins

partial breakdown of the market

How about "due to the partial breakdown of the market (structure)"
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I think "slump" could work too but it sounds like it was a fairly serious market problem. Also, Kieran, collapse & crash for me are quite strong is you're talking about a market (that's when people jump out of windows etc.)"
11 mins


...might work here...

or: sharp drop
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12 mins

market downturn (recession)

I don't think that the "Einbruch" happened all of a sudden.
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17 mins


despite the repeated need for cutbacks caused by the collapse of the market
Peer comment(s):

neutral LegalTrans D : "collapse" would be "Zusammenbruch". Einbruch is simply a slump.
8 mins
Maybe you're right, but I don't think 'collapse' is always as strong in English as 'Zusammenbruch' in German. Collins gives 'collapse' and 'crash' as possible translations of 'Einbruch'.
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59 mins

softening demand

Note added at 1 hr 2 mins (2004-11-24 10:10:21 GMT)

or \"slowdown in demand\"

Note added at 1 hr 3 mins (2004-11-24 10:11:19 GMT)

or indeed \"market slowdown\"
Peer comment(s):

agree IanW (X) : "market slowdown" is good!
4 hrs
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