Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

filament tip

Added to glossary by Paula Price
May 6, 2013 15:32
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng Verification certificate
Thermometeranzeige -°C
Anzeigekorrektion - °C
Messunsicherheit - °C
Fehlergrenze - °C
Die der Thermometeranzeige entsprechende Temperatur ergibt sich nach der Beziehung: Temperatur = Thermometeranzeige + Anzeigekorrektion
Die Anzeigekorrektionen gelten für senkrechte Stellung des Thermometers,
den Luftdruck 1013,25 hPa,
unter der Voraussetzung, dass das Thermometer einschließlich der Fadenkuppe, aber ausschließlich der Expansionserweiterung eintaucht.
Wenn das Thermometer nicht ganz eintauchend benutzt wird, ist die Thermometeranzeige durch Anbringen einer Fadenkorrektion zu berichtigen.
Die Werte sind auf die ITS-90 bezogen.

(Verification certificate issued from Eichamt Muenchen-Traunstein)


Dhananjay Rau May 13, 2013:
Not at all. A thermocouple is made of two wires of different metals joined together. This term has to do with the liqiud (usually mercury or alcohol) filled in thermometers.
Edith Kelly May 6, 2013:
thermocouple might that fit?

Proposed translations

18 hrs

filament tip


of a filament thermometer?

Note added at 7 days (2013-05-13 18:40:39 GMT) Post-grading

Paula, I doubt this is right. The other two answers are probably better. I'd recommend you ask your client, especially as "Fadenkuppe" only gets about 10 hits.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
19 hrs

level of the liquid column

Ich würde diese Umschreibung vorschlagen, siehe auch hier:

Note added at 19 hrs (2013-05-07 10:39:31 GMT)

Alternative, wenn es sich um ein Quecksilberthermometer handelt:

"tip of the mercury thread"
Peer comment(s):

neutral Cilian O'Tuama : Meniscus? Hardly. Wouldn't make much sense here, IMO. // meniscus = the curved upper surface of a liquid column./// On 2nd thought you might be right, it would make sense. Strange source term, though. And the Kuppe (upwards) to me suggests it's indeed Hg.
12 hrs
Cilian, sorry, don't know where meniscus comes from...
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6 days


From Oxford English Dictionary online
Pronunciation: /mɪˈnɪskəs/

Definition of meniscus
noun (plural menisci /-sʌɪ/)
the curved upper surface of a liquid in a tube.
[usually as modifier] a lens that is convex on one side and concave on the other:
a meniscus lens
Anatomy a thin fibrous cartilage between the surfaces of some joints, e.g. the knee.
late 17th century: modern Latin, from Greek mēniskos 'crescent', diminutive of mēnē 'moon'
Peer comment(s):

neutral Cilian O'Tuama : agree with your first defn. of meniscus, but where's the evidence that Flüssigkeitsspiegel = Fadenkuppe? // OK, fair enough. Pity there are so few references/hits for the source term.
7 hrs
I don't have one myself, but Paraminski has the perfect reference below.
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Reference comments

18 hrs

Zeichnerische Darstellung einer Fadenkuppe

Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Dhananjay Rau : absolutely
6 days
agree Cilian O'Tuama : Obscure German word - maybe client should be consulted for confirmation
6 days
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