Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

durch dreimalige Destillation gewonnen

English translation:

extracted by triple destillation

Added to glossary by martina1974
Nov 11, 2008 12:16
16 yrs ago
German term

durch dreimalige Destillation gewonnen

German to English Other Food & Drink
BOURBON WHISKEY - wird aus einer Mischung von Mais, Gerste und Roggen durch dreimalige Destillation gewonnen.

Proposed translations

2 mins

extracted by triple destillation

2.5 Pflanzen und landwirtschaftlich-technische Produkte After filtration through an alumina-charcoal-Celite (0.5 + 0.7 + 0.3) ... 60 % from wheat) of total EDB extracted by triple distillation. Foaming ... -
Peer comment(s):

agree Ingeborg Gowans (X)
1 hr
guten Tag und vielen Dank!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks a lot!"
32 mins

Triple distilled from...

The phrase 'triple-diistilled' is usually used simply in relation to the raw material as sown for Irish Whiskey below.

Note added at 6 days (2008-11-17 23:27:43 GMT) Post-grading

I too do not associate the word 'extract' with distillation for whiskey. It is associated with scientific or more technical processes. My link to Jamesons seems not to be working. Here it is again.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kim Metzger :
1 hr
agree jccantrell : How I would phrase it here in the USA. And I believe I will have another.
2 hrs
agree Birgit Mann
3 hrs
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