Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

gefühlte Atmosphäre

English translation:

tactile quality / elements / (context!)

Added to glossary by Norbert Hermann
Jan 12, 2003 10:11
22 yrs ago
German term


Non-PRO German to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters General
"Ob Ahornholz, poliertes Aluminium, Edelstahl oder Terracotta - bei der Gestaltung von Schneidbrettern, Messerblöcken, Brotcontainern, Körben oder Utensilienborden wird bei XXX allergrößter Wert auf gefühltes Ambiente gelegt."

What does 'gefühlt' mean in this context? I can't think of the word....

Proposed translations

3 mins

the touchy feel

tactile element / aspect rather than atmosphere

Note added at 2003-01-12 10:17:37 (GMT)

tactile qualities would be another choice

nice jobs you have there - wished mine were the same :-)

Note added at 2003-01-12 10:53:03 (GMT) Post-grading

I would like to add in reference to Alexander\'s disagree - it is perfect English to say \'a place has a nice feel\' meaning \'atmosphere\'. The \'feel\' of materials is also very often used to describe the tactile qualities. A \'touchy feel\' might not sound right to some - though I have heard peope saying it in particular situations.

The purpose of this answer was only to help the asker out of a sticky situation - I am sure he is competent enough to make his own choice.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Alexander Schleber (X) : Sorry Herrmann, but "a touchy feel" is not very English.
12 mins
you are right Alexander I have changed it to someting else
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Hermann - some of these jobs drive me up the wall sometimes. They're just so mealy-mouthed. Aargh! Thanks once again for your help :) "
6 mins

sensation of atmosphere


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11 mins

(great emphasis/value) is placed on creating the right atmosphere placed on getting the right ambience

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15 mins

sensed / sensory feel

Sorry Herrmann, but "a touchy feel" is not very English.
"touchy" is used almost exclusively in the sense of "irritable".

Peer comment(s):

agree Norbert Hermann : thanks for pointing it out Alexander - but please read the offers below - I am sure the asker can make use of it.
27 mins
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