Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

die Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten

English translation:

the world-stage

Added to glossary by Kieran McCann
Nov 24, 2004 13:00
20 yrs ago
8 viewers *
German term

die Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten

German to English Other Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
Hallo alle zusammen,

gibt es im Englischen eine Äquivalente für diese Redewendung?

Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 the stage we call the world
3 +5 "All the world's a stage"
4 the theatre
2 on the road to glory

Discussion Nov 24, 2004:
Sch�ner, poetischer und treffender kann man eine Band, die sich erst seit 2002 versucht, die B�hnen dieser Welt zu erobern, nicht beschreiben! Wir versuchen es hier mal weniger sch�n, daf�r aber mindestens genauso informativ!
Francis Lee (X) Nov 24, 2004:

Proposed translations

19 mins

the stage we call the world

or maybe 'the theatre of life' depending on context

Note added at 52 mins (2004-11-24 13:52:51 GMT)

I\'m not sure where the phrase fits into the note you\'ve added, but if we\'re talking about bands and so on, then \'conquer the world-stage\' comes to mind
Peer comment(s):

agree babbelbekkie : with "conquer the world-stage"
41 mins
Thanks Annelie
agree MMUlr : with Annelie
2 hrs
Thank you
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you everyone and my apology for the delay. I think that "conquer the world stage" fits best in the given context, although in a different context I would go for Schiller's quote. Thank you. Sven"
4 mins

"All the world's a stage"

Langenscheidt suggests simply "the stage", but you could try the famous Shakespeare line "All the world's a stage"
Peer comment(s):

agree Steve Yates
16 mins
agree Klaus Hartmann : Excellent suggestion. (It's really Schiller, cf. Büchmann, Geflügelte Worte) Cf. 2003_07/12/20030712180213e_en.html - 11k -
18 mins
agree Tamara Ferencak
1 hr
agree Hilary Davies Shelby
1 hr
agree Laszlo Szabo : The Schiller tip was good: Pass before us on the world's wide stage is on
8 hrs
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11 mins

the theatre

Agree with Barbara's answer. But if you just need a noun equivalent rather than a phrase, plain old 'the theatre' might fit.
Also, see "Früher sagte man vom Theater, daß seine Bretter "die Welt bedeuten"".
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27 mins

on the road to glory

"on the road" as in: touring concert venues
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