Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

delayed acceptance

Added to glossary by larserik
Jul 4, 2013 22:08
11 yrs ago
27 viewers *
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Law: Contract(s)
Can anybody explain what this is? My context is the German civil law BGB § 323 Rücktritt wegen nicht oder nicht vertragsgemäß erbrachter Leistung.

>>(6) Der Rücktritt ist ausgeschlossen, wenn der Gläubiger für den Umstand, der ihn zum Rücktritt berechtigen würde, allein oder weit überwiegend verantwortlich ist oder wenn der vom Schuldner nicht zu vertretende Umstand zu einer Zeit eintritt, zu welcher der Gläubiger im Verzug der Annahme ist.>5. Die Vergütungspflicht des Arbeitgebers, der einen Arbeitnehmer nicht zu einem dreistündigen Einsatz gemäß § 12 Abs. 1 Satz 4 TzBfG abruft, folgt jedoch aus Annahmeverzug.

6. Ruft der Arbeitgeber die Arbeitsleistung des Arbeitnehmers nicht in vollem Umfang gemäß § 12 Abs. 1 Satz 4 TzBfG ab, gerät er bereits durch diese Handlung in Annahmeverzug, ohne dass es eines weiteren tatsächlichen oder wörtlichen Angebots des Arbeitnehmers bedarf.>oder wenn der vom Schuldner nicht zu vertretende Umstand zu einer Zeit eintritt, zu welcher der Gläubiger im Verzug der Annahme ist


gangels (X) Jul 5, 2013:
I believe it means to 'exercise one's right of refusal', which is not a violation of law per se, but may have unpleasant consequences down the road.

Z.B. er wird nicht für die vollen 3 Stunden beschäftigt, aber der Arbeitgeber muss drei Stunden Lohn zahlen weil er 'exercised his right of refusal'. So würde das unter US law geschehen.
Thomas Roberts Jul 5, 2013:
bear in mind that German law breaks down contracts into sub-contracts, so the buyer is obligor of the consideration, whilst the seller is obligor of the performance.
larserik (asker) Jul 5, 2013:
Still confused From the side of the obligee/seller, what is there to accept, except the buyer's payment (late, partial, or none at all...)?
Thomas Roberts Jul 5, 2013:
Annahmeverzug refers to acceptance of the contractual obligation from the other side (so if the other side is refusing to pay, that amounts to breach, and there is no performance to be late in accepting). If on the other hand the obligee is last in paying its own invoice, then that is Leistungsverzug.
larserik (asker) Jul 4, 2013:
Maybe... ...I understand now. Allow me to express "delayed acceptance" and "default in acceptance" in another way, with more words, and please tell me if you agree:
"the obligee is delayed in deciding whether to accept or not accept the non-payment of the invoice". -- EURlex has a Swedish translation which I found after I posted my ignorance here. It has the equivalent of "obligee is in his own delay". Comments to this? -- And thanks a lot for answering!

Proposed translations

20 mins

delayed acceptance

It means that the obligee cannot withdraw if he is late in accepting performance, provided that the obligor is not responsible for the circumstance which would otherwise have justified withdrawal.

I.e. Inadequate performance + not responsibility of obligor + obligee late in accepting performance = no right of withdrawal for obligee.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard
22 mins
agree seehand
8 hrs
agree Maximilian Heeger : I also found *delay in acceptance* but your explanation is excellent!
14 hrs
neutral Adrian MM. (X) : zu einer Zeit eintritt, zu welcher der Gläubiger *im Verzug der Annahme ist*: is in delayed acceptance or in delay of acceptance? Somehow needs to fit the context.
1 day 9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
30 mins

default in acceptance

Example below:
"It will be deemed equal to delivery if and when we are in default in acceptance [Annahmeverzug]."
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. (X) : it would be default *of* acceptance for a start//in default of acceptance works well here im Verzug der Annahme ist ...
1 day 1 hr
I can happily agree to that..
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