German term
"Vergabesenat des Brandenburgischen Oberlandesgerichts"
PRO (1): Steffen Walter
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Proposed translations
Division of Contract Award Appeals
The division does not award contracts; it decides appeal related to the awarding of contracts. Thus, my wording above. I would use the German followed by the English in brackets [ ]
20 yrs a lawyer and 20 yrs a translator
agree |
Beth Kantus
10 mins
agree |
Maya Jurt
: Good solution
1 hr
agree |
Jacqueline McKay (X)
1 day 20 hrs
award chamber
I only found a pdf document with a translation of the "Vergabesenat of Brandenburg. Here is the link: schoedermeier...
download the document, go to page 3 (a slide) You will read:
"other bidder gave notice of violation of procurement rules, filed complaint with award chamber".
This document may help you also for other terms.
Board judging the calls for tenders (in appeal)
Serge L.
contract-awarding authority
Lots of native hits under Google:
neutral |
Maya Jurt
: According to the context, this is a chamber that judges appeals against the decision of the contract awarding authority
1 hr
Hi, Soraya! Please select some answers now.
Best regards, Fred
I really appreciate all your collective help (amazing!) but as I am still working on this translation and trying to award points will be very taxing, I ask for your patience for a couple of days - please.
Regards - soraya