Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

concurrent/concomitant crime

Added to glossary by Nadia Said
Dec 31, 2002 09:30
22 yrs ago
35 viewers *
German term


German to English Law/Patents
"Er wurde angeklagt am 5-6-02 durch 2 selbstständige Handlungen
1- In einem Fall
a) versucht zu haben, einen Menschen zu töten.

Proposed translations

50 mins

concurrent/concomitant crime

Tateinheit = Verletzung mehrerer Strafgesetze durch eine Handlung, z. B. Mord in Tateinheit mit Raub – That’s the definition my Duden Universalwörterbuch gives.
Muret Sanders says “in coincidence with” which is not particularly helpful.

I am not a lawyer, but I think the meaning here is that one action leads to several crimes being committed simultaneously.

In your case, the person in question must be accused not only of attempted murder/manslaughter but also of something else (perhaps mentioned under b) ??) – I dread to think what!

As to how to translate it … perhaps concurrent or concomitant come close?

I found 2 good google examples which use CONCURRENT CRIME:

In any case, under Texas law a convicted murderer is not subject to execution unless he is also guilty of a concurrent crime like rape or some other serious ...

Art. 36. - If the criminal finally convicted is sued afterwards for a concurrent crime, the provisions of article 34 and 35 will apply. ... romania_criminal_code.pdf

hope it helps and a Happy New Year!
Peer comment(s):

agree William Stein
43 mins
agree Egmont
3 hrs
agree gangels (X)
5 hrs
agree EMatt : The legal term is concurrent.
5 hrs
agree lauravienna
11 hrs
agree Margaret Marks : Note G. law has two kinds of concurrence. Tateinheit means one act constituted several offences; Tatmehrheit means several offences committed by several acts, but permitted to be dealt with by one sentence. The Texas example is Tatmehrheit.
2 days 2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much Nicole and special thanks to all who have answered me."
18 mins

as part of one and the same act / delict


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41 mins

in one act

with concurrence of offences/ses

siehe Dietl/Lorenz
Peer comment(s):

agree Norbert Hermann : or concurrent offences - Guten Rutsch und Prosit Neujahr!
4 mins
Danke, das klingt besser. Gutes Feiern.
agree HansBecker : several/multiple offenses in a single act
15 hrs
Thanks, yes, it's offense, not crime here.
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