Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

Lob- und Korrekturgespräch

English translation:

(performance) appraisal

Added to glossary by Colette Kinsella
Apr 11, 2010 19:09
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

Lob- und Korrekturgespräch

German to English Bus/Financial Management Managerial training
This terms appears in a document for new managers - tips on how to deal with various situations in their daily working lives as managers:

• Empfehlungen und Regeln zum Lob- und Korrekturgespräch
Proposed translations (English)
3 +3 (performance) appraisal


transatgees Apr 12, 2010:
Is this really an "assessment" or "review"? I make this comment as in most companies such reviews/appraisals are only annual events. However, a manager has to correct/praise staff on an almost daily basis. Could this be what is intended?
dkfmmuc Apr 11, 2010:
Thanks for the info Now I agree. Haven't thought about that, if you add the "review" I think it's a great solution.
Nicole Y. Adams, M.A. Apr 11, 2010:
Hi dkfmmuc,

As far as I know, a performance appraisal/review is not limited to positive feedback, but is a means to give (constructive) criticism as well. But perhaps someone who recently had one can confirm this; otherwise I'll stand corrected.
dkfmmuc Apr 11, 2010:
@Nicole Y. Adams, M. A.: Think something should be added. Think your answer is great for the first part of the "Lob-" und Korrekturgespräch. But this has also a component of positive criticism to enhance the behaviour and/or performance for the future. Anyone out there having the full solution ?

Proposed translations

5 mins

(performance) appraisal

I think this is simply an appraisal (Alternatives: performance appraisal / performance review / career development discussion).

"Generally, the aims of a performance appraisal are to:

* Give employees feedback on performance
* Identify employee training needs
* Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards
* Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions, disciplinary actions, bonuses, etc.
* Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development
* Facilitate communication between employee and administration
* Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal Employment Opportunity requirements."
Peer comment(s):

agree dkfmmuc : Just want to agree, see discussion.
33 mins
agree J Fox : yes, performance review
48 mins
agree Rolf Keiser
21 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for the help!"
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