Jun 5, 2003 17:02
21 yrs ago
German term

spürbar (in this context)

German to English Marketing
Wunsch nach ‘alles in einem’ Produkte, die in der Anwendung spürbar und erlebbar sind


Trudy Peters Jun 5, 2003:
What kind of products??

Proposed translations

1 hr

which show (immediate) results

’all-in-one’ products which are both pleasurable to use and show immediate results

Of course, it all depends on the products in question - Marie, more context please!!
I’m guessing that it might be cosmetics with added health benefits, and on that basis I would analyse:

spürbar = have a real effect (immediately?), you notice a difference when you use the product (skin becomes less puffy, for example), show a real improvement

erlebbar – pleasurable to use, appeals to the senses, perhaps nice smell/texture/taste

hope it helps
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This is fantastic - this is (I think) exactly what they're gettin at. Thanks!"
6 mins

Please consider this

The desire to have in just one product everything that one could feel and experience when using it

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43 mins


Just my personal preference, perhaps a tad too refined for some folks' tastes.

I'm curious to know what you choose to do with "erlebbar"...
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1 hr

How about " products that you can notice and experience"

Another option would be "touchable and noticable"
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