Dec 1, 2004 06:26
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Marketing
"Für einen optimalen Push-Pull-Effekt ist die Bearbeitung des Getränkhandels ebenso wichtig wie die Bearbeitung der Hotel-Betriebe."

"3 unterschiedliche Zielgruppen werden von echten Spezialisten betreut und bearbeitet"

The above two sentences are just a few examples of the use of "bearbeiten" in a Swiss marketing text which I am currently translating. I have been racking my brains - and consulting previous KudoZ questions - but the best I can come up with is "develop", which is OK for the first sentence, but not really for the second. Can anyone suggest anything better?

Many thanks


Proposed translations

1 hr


Might "served" alone work for both "betreut and bearbeitet"? The original eems a bit doppelt gemoppelt, but your context probably tells you if there's a distinction.

Note added at 1 hr 56 mins (2004-12-01 08:22:06 GMT)

*seems,* of course
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "While CMJ was right in saying that a case-by-case approach was best, idwerks's suggestion was the most helpful. Thanks all round!"
8 mins

to work (as in work a crowd), handle, deal with, approach, tackle, process

Peer comment(s):

agree Lori Dendy-Molz : I'd go with "handling" or "method of handling" for the first sentence
1 hr
agree Robert Schlarb : as in: to work the market
1 hr
agree Frosty : This be it - select the appropriate word as best fits!
2 hrs
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12 mins

Three different target groups were serviced and handled by authenticated specialists.

hard one!
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17 mins

to exert influence

Good morning,
I think that the verb "bearbeiten" would mean
-to influence or
-to exerce an influence
I understand this second sentence, as keeping company and trying to influence the clients.
I hope that will help you,
Have a nice day
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35 mins


Just a suggestion. Always a tricky word.
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1 hr

case by case solutions are in order here I think....

in 1) you could say something on the lines of : for an optimum effect as much attention/care shoula be paid/devoted to X as to Y

For 2)qualified experts took charge of and looked after 3 target groups OR 3 target groups were placed in the hands of... The "bearbeiten" is as good as tautologous in this example

Note added at 2004-12-01 07:53:10 (GMT)

should be - once again the brain works faster than the fingers!
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