Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

immersion heater

Added to glossary by Robin Salmon (X)
Dec 6, 2006 08:02
18 yrs ago
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering wire ropes
Das Fett wird mittels Tausieder erhitzt und mittels Pumpe in dem Verlitzpunkt als auch in den Verseilpunkt gespritzt.

I am wondering if this is the same as a "Tauchsieder" (immersion heater). If not, does anyone know what it is called, please?
Proposed translations (English)
2 +5 typo for Tauchsieder = immersion heater?


Robin Salmon (X) (asker) Dec 6, 2006:
It's easy to get roped in, Steffen.
Jalapeno Dec 6, 2006:
Na, ob deine Theorie mit dem Seil wirklich so viel taucht, Steffen? ;-)
Steffen Walter Dec 6, 2006:
Seems the author got carried away by the Seile = Taue here :-)
Steffen Walter Dec 6, 2006:
@ Pirily - TaUchsieder
Inga Jakobi Dec 6, 2006:
Ich schätze schon, dass es sich hier um einen Tippfehler handelt und es eigentlich Tachsieder heißen sollte. Tausieder habe ich noch nie gehört...

Proposed translations

7 mins

typo for Tauchsieder = immersion heater?

My guess is that this is in fact a typo for "Tauchsieder". I'd say you're on the right track.
Note from asker:
"Tausieder" gets quite a few hits on google which could mean that several people just mispronounce the word. An example of this in English is someone saying "I brought a new car" when they mean "I bought a new car"; this is sometimes heard.
Peer comment(s):

agree Karin Seelhof : it is a typo - for sure. Tauchsieder - immersion heater is correct
3 mins
agree Steffen Walter
22 mins
agree Edith Kelly
30 mins
agree Ingeborg Gowans (X) : my first thought,too: Tauchsieder
4 hrs
agree Nicole Schnell
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks - there were a few typos. You can imagine what happened with "Schweißen" :-)"
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