Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

external, from outside,

Added to glossary by arum
Mar 24, 2005 09:54
19 yrs ago
6 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical Medical (general)
List of roles/people involved in hospital administration: What is the difference between a Beleghebamme and a Hebamme, between a Beleganästhesist and an Anästhesist?

Proposed translations

6 mins

external, from outside,

Beleghebamme is an external midwife.

Note added at 7 mins (2005-03-24 10:02:00 GMT)

Belegarzt = Artz, der (neben seiner Praxis) eine Belegstation in einem Krankenhaus betreut, Belegarzt = attending physician, external hospital doctor
Belegstation = Station in einem Krankenhaus für die kein festangestllter Arzt zuständig ist
Peer comment(s):

agree LillyGK
7 mins
agree gfish
30 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
9 mins

attending midwife

Google search: English website,

Note added at 59 mins (2005-03-24 10:54:28 GMT)

I have got the impression that a \"attending midwife\" is only working in the home-birth setting. Can anyone confirm this?

And why then is the Belegarzt names an \"attending doctor\"?

Note added at 1 hr 6 mins (2005-03-24 11:01:10 GMT)

names --> named!

Final question: Why are there only 2 documents to be found showing \"external midwife\"?
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

midwife with hospital privileges

physician with hospital privileges, anesthesiologist with hospital privileges, etc.
LEGAL FORUM: Laws Governing Peer Immunity, Physician ...... The challenges arose when a physician whose hospital privileges were revoked filed a civil action against the hospital and 14 individuals involved in ... - 15k -
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