Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

künstlerisches Aufbaustudium

English translation:

postgraduate course in piano performance

Added to glossary by Tanja Spath-Nagazi
Nov 21, 2010 11:13
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

künstlerisches Aufbaustudium

German to English Other Music
Die Pianistin ergänzte ihre Klavierausbildung mit dem **Künstlerischen Aufbaustudium**.

Ich zweifle, dass dieser Studiengang überhaupt 1 : 1 zu übersetzen ist.


British Diana Nov 22, 2010:
@hazmatgerman Yers indeed, at last we are on the right lines.
hazmatgerman (X) Nov 22, 2010:
@B.Diana given that what you say is correct, shouldn't A.Wiesinger's proposal be accepted then?
British Diana Nov 22, 2010:
künstlerisch vs pädagogisch In the context of Musikhochschulen in Germany there is usually a differentiation between "künstlerische" and "pädagogische" Studiengänge for instrumentalists.
I'm being deliberately flippant here, so don't take this literally, but it's a bit on the line of "if you can, do; if you can't, teach".
Really good pianists, singers etc follow the "künstlerischen Studiengang" and become solists, i.e. they can make their living as performing musicians. As we all know, a minuscule proportion of those who start learning e.g. the piano...
Those who are not quite so good (as well as those who wanted to anyway) even if they are still brilliant players as far as the normal concert-goer can judge do the "pädagogischen Studiengang" and learn to teach either their instrument or school classes.
BTW the standard of musicianship in German school music teachers is high.

Thus the künstlerisches Aufbaustudium is a very high level course of study for someone who has already done the first diploma. As I say in my individual comments, "künstlerisch" has nothing to do with the Fine Arts here, but refers to the ability of the soloist to play as a "Künstler" , i.e. to give an "artistic" performance.
hazmatgerman (X) Nov 22, 2010:
@tanja293 so that phrase makes it one clause, making the Aufbaustudium an extension of the degree course, just as orla suggested. Whether a Master's degree was the result I do not know as it does not feature in your post. So I'd probably just call it a postgraduate diploma for soloists.
Tanja Spath-Nagazi (asker) Nov 22, 2010:
Der Text ist recht stichpunktartig ... An besagter Stelle findet sich noch folgende Ergänzung:

"... und Solistenexamen an der Musikhochschule Freiburg."

Ich verschaffe mir gerade einen Überblick über Eure Beiträge - vielen Dank hierfür jetzt schon!
hazmatgerman (X) Nov 22, 2010:
@tanja293 It would be quite helpful if more information on the content of the course were available.
Erik Freitag Nov 22, 2010:
I'm not sure how to translate it, but this is without any doubt nothing to do with the fine arts in general. It is instead a high level, postgraduate course for performing musicians.

Guido Schenkel Nov 21, 2010:
If "Klavierausbildung" is synonymous with a degree program in Music, then I agree with orla's and Jonathan's use of (post)graduate. Combined with the valid question whether "kuenstlerisch" does indeed rather refer to another music program in this case, this appears to be a most context-heavy problem than I initially realized.
oa_xxx (X) Nov 21, 2010:
Künstlerisches Aufbaustudium - Künstlerische Fortbildung Orgel
Dieses Aufbaustudium mit einer Regelstudienzeit von zwei Semestern dient der Vertiefung der im vorangegangenen Studium erworbenen künstlerischen Fähigkeiten, Fertigkeiten und Kenntnisse.
:-) is most probably right that this is a postgraduate course in music not fine art as it is used above for the orgel but as its not clear I would check - maybe she did go and do an art course!
writeaway Nov 21, 2010:
This sort of translation is rarely 1:1 It's necessary to understand the concept in the source language and to know how it's expressed in the target.....

Proposed translations

1 day 2 hrs

postgraduate course in piano performance

or something along these lines.

I could even see leaving it in German and explaining it, either in brackets or with a footnote.
Peer comment(s):

disagree gangels (X) : 'künstlerisch' ist etwas anderes als 'piano performance'
25 mins
Yes, but it is in addition to the Klavierstudium, so it would work here, imho. :)
agree hazmatgerman (X) : I sincerely hope this is the right statement, at the right place.//"german"'s part of the name I'd say. Regards.//Ay, just joking! Best.
57 mins
Thanks, hazmatgerman! (Sorry!) :)
agree British Diana : I disagree with gangels' disagree - "künstlerisch" HAS to do with performance. It is "artistic" in the sense of Beethoven's "art"
1 hr
Thanks, Diana! I think the only doable options here are either an explanation (my personal preference) or a specific designation.
agree Kim Metzger
1 hr
Thank you, Kim!
agree Guido Schenkel : From the additional context provided, it appears that that's exactly what "künstlerisch" refers to.
1 hr
Thank you, Guido! Yes, I think we need to go with a specific solution.
agree Erik Freitag
5 hrs
Thank you, efreitag!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Wie vorgeschlagen habe ich den deutschen Begriff beibehalten und die englische Erklärung in Klammern hinzugefügt. Vielen Dank Euch allen für die rege Beteiligung!"
2 hrs

Masters Degree in Music Performance

The context is about a 'Pianistin' and 'ihre Klavierausbildung', so a 'Masters Degree in Piano Performance' may also fit.
Peer comment(s):

neutral hazmatgerman (X) : Neutral only because of the "Master's", which is not explicitly mentioned in asker's context. Otherwise agree.//No, it isn't that bad. Hope I got this linguistically positive and logically wrong.
18 hrs
Thanks, hazmatgerman. Come to think of it, my guess (answer) isn't that bad, no?
neutral British Diana : with hazmatgerman, at least you are sticking with music, but I think this is the next qualification AFTER the Masters
19 hrs
Maybe you're right, British Diana. Given my CL 1, I haven't fared too badly, have I ?
disagree AZTranslations : Sorry, but level-wise, it would be after a Masters, and a translation of degrees is just not adviseable since they are not equivalent.
1 day 47 mins
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3 hrs

postgraduate art studies


Note added at 3 hrs (2010-11-21 14:27:07 GMT)

or "graduate art studies" depending on the country and university system
Peer comment(s):

disagree British Diana : Definitely not. Künstlerisch has to do with the artistic performance of music
17 hrs
neutral AZTranslations : post graduate, yes; art, no - that is too general here.
23 hrs
agree gangels (X) : 'art' is OK, selbst Beethoven sprach von seiner Kunst welche von Taubheit geplagt war.
1 day 10 mins
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3 hrs

introductory studies of the fine arts

Aufbau in this context is generally translated as 'introduction/introductory'. Her mainstay is music, of course, but she is rounding out her education with an overview of ALL the various art disciplines
Peer comment(s):

disagree Erik Freitag : No. "Aufbau" is the exact opposite of "introductory". And this is specifically related to music, not fine arts in general.
15 hrs
neutral hazmatgerman (X) : Does not chime with what asker gave later.
17 hrs
disagree British Diana : Definitely not. "Künstlerisch" has to do with the artistic rendering of music
17 hrs
disagree AZTranslations : with efreitag
23 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 hrs

Artist's Diploma

Is it a degree designation you need, or a more general description?
Peer comment(s):

neutral British Diana : see my other comments
14 hrs
disagree AZTranslations : Diploma just doesn't work on this level (e.g. in the US a highschool diploma is not even the same as Abitur!) True, but I still don't think it's at the same level as the Aufbaustudium. :)
19 hrs
I did ask what exactly the asker needed, and I was indicating that there was such a thing as an Artist's Diploma in the US for those who were not familiar with it.
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Reference comments

7 hrs

Postgraduate course in... (music performance studies etc)

Das künstlerische Aufbaustudium dient der Erweiterung und Vertiefung der im vorausgegangenen Studium erworbenen künstlerischen Fähigkeiten, Fertigkeiten und Kenntnisse. Sein Ziel ist die Heranbildung pianistisch hochbegabter Studentinnen und Studenten zu konzertreifen Solistinnen und Solisten. Das zentrale Anliegen des Künstlerischen Aufbaustudiums ist es, die Studierenden zu befähigen, zu einem eigenständigen künstlerischen Gestaltungsvermögen zu gelangen und Bühnenpräsenz zu erwerben. Im Mittelpunkt des Künstlerischen Aufbaustudiums steht das künstlerische Hauptfach. Studierende des künstlerischen Hauptfaches Klavier haben die Möglichkeit, Kammermusik als Wahlfach zu belegen.


Nachweis eines mit einer Diplom- oder Masterprüfung abgeschlossenen Studiums im Bereich der Künstlerischen Instrumentalbildung, Hauptfach Klavier oder eines gleichwertigen Abschlusses in demjenigen künstlerischen Hauptfach sowie der Nachweis einer auf das Künstlerische Aufbaustudium bezogenen künstlerischen Befähigung, der durch das Bestehen der Eignungsprüfung an der Martin-Luther-Universität erbracht wird.

Note added at 7 hrs (2010-11-21 18:23:42 GMT)

(Sorry - entry requirements in example sentence are for this course - this is an MA but would use postgrad instead as the whole masters/magister thing is always confusing, not to mind Diplom/diploma/degree etc)

Music Performance Studies MA
Course modules

Course includes: performance development, based on individual tuition from a professor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, supplemented by performance workshops/masterclasses; core module: approaches to music studies, providing a grounding in recent thinking in music studies; initial training in research methods prepares for individually supervised research in the context of the dissertation; 2 coursework assignments aim to deepen students’ understanding of concepts discussed in lectures and seminars, and to develop methodological and writing skills.

Note added at 7 hrs (2010-11-21 18:26:50 GMT)

Other courses do seem more focussed on playing/performing not just methodology etc

Note added at 1 day53 mins (2010-11-22 12:07:05 GMT)

I agree with everyones comments that the Aufbau is not a 'masters' - the English MA example was more for the term "music performance studies" or "music performance and playing" - would stick to postgraduate
Example sentence:

Entry requirements Honours degree in music,with high level results achieved in performance, or equivalent qualification; candidates must submit a piece of writing on a musical subject in order to provide evidence of writing skills and intellectual ability

Music Performance and Playing

Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Erik Freitag
12 hrs
Thanks, how exactly to word it is another thing - postgrad in music performance or something
agree hazmatgerman (X) : With your reasoning, though perhaps just post-graduate degree w/o "Master's".
13 hrs
Thanks - thats what I meant too, leave out masters,diploma etc and just write postgrad
agree British Diana : According to this the KA is higher than a Masters or Diploma
14 hrs
I agree, postgrad would probably do, the english examples I gave are maybe a bit misleading - meant more the music performance bit not the MA!
agree AZTranslations : Postgrad, yes, definitely, but I'd be really careful about introducing specific degrees like Master, Phd etc. since these are not equivalent! As usual, probably needs to be left alone with an explanatory note added.
19 hrs
Thanks, yes thats exactly what I said - would not use MA, diploma, degree etc. just postgrad
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