Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Olav Rixen
Feb 28, 2005 15:43
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to English Art/Literary Music
Was dem Opernkomponisten Mozart so eigentümlich ist: Dass er niemals über seinen Gestalten steht, sondern sich geradezu in jene zu verwandeln scheint, die er gerade singen lässt, quasi in ihr verschwindet, um noch im Ensemblesatz bei jeder einzelnen zu sein und die **Lebensäußerungen** aller zu einem lebendigen Organismus zu verschmelzen – hier ist es in höchster Potenz zu erleben

Proposed translations

54 mins
German term (edited): Lebens�u�erungen


He causes/allows their vitality to blend into one single organism.
'vital': from Latin 'vita' = life
No need to add 'utterances' or 'expression' here, I feel

Note added at 3 hrs 27 mins (2005-02-28 19:11:25 GMT)

What is so remarkable about Mozart as a composer of operas is that he never stands above his characters but seems to transform himself into whichever one of them he has singing at that moment. It’s as if he were losing himself within that character only to reappear in all of them simultaneously during the quartets and to blend their individual vitality into one living organism. This is particularly and powerfully apparent at this point in the opera.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jonathan MacKerron : or "vitalities"?
17 mins
agree Ulrike Lieder (X) : you convinced me... :-)
3 hrs
Thanks, you've made my evening...:-)
agree Elimar Orlopp : Yes, that is very convincing, actually wouldn't you take on Ulrike suggestions and say "individual vitalities"?
7 hrs
Thanks. I'm not happy with a plural form for this particular abstract noun.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Andrew, and all who tried."
15 mins
German term (edited): Lebens�u�erung

individual expression / individual expressivity

Some suggestions. A tough one!
Peer comment(s):

agree Nesrin : 'individual expression' sounds good, I think.
6 mins
agree BrigitteHilgner : I think "individual expression" is highly suitable in this context.
52 mins
agree Johanna Timm, PhD
4 hrs
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16 mins
German term (edited): Lebens�u�erungen

pulse of life

the pulse of each life

a suggestion
Something went wrong...
1 hr
German term (edited): Lebens�u�erungen

manifestation of life


Note added at 1 hr 15 mins (2005-02-28 16:58:51 GMT)

\"expressions of life\" is simple yet effective
Peer comment(s):

agree Uta Waller
2 hrs
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