Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

MV seit

English translation:

rented (lit.rental contract) since

Added to glossary by Jon Fedler
Jul 28, 2007 10:20
17 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term

MV Seite

German to English Bus/Financial Real Estate Real Estate
I have a sales flyer to translate for a condominium in a German city

Under "Mietenspiegel" there is a table whose headins include
"Whg.L; Wfl. m2; *MV seit*; and Miete Euro/m2"

What does MV stand for:? 'Mietvertrag' maybe?
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 rented since

Discussion Jul 28, 2007:
You're right Sylvie. It should be "seit"
sylvie malich (X) Jul 28, 2007:
Is the question for "MV seit" or "MV Seite". Big difference.

Proposed translations

33 mins

rented since

MV is almost certainly Mietvertrag in this context- and defintely not Mayer-Vorfelder, boo hiss ;)))

Note added at 4 days (2007-08-02 09:10:25 GMT)

@Jonathan: You could always "Mietvertrag seit" in the glossary instead of using the abbreviation? Otherwise I don't see the problem.
Note from asker:
I agree with your answer but MV on its own would not be explained. So could you change to rented (lit. rental contract) since ? Otherwise I wouldn't glossarize it.
I agree with your translation. However in glossary form this "would leave "MV" untranslated. To get it into the glossary can you change to rented (lit. rental contract) 'since? Regards, Jon
Peer comment(s):

agree sylvie malich (X) : that was my thought exactly. Rented since. (Not Mecklenburg-Vorpommern or Märkischer Viertel!)
3 mins
agree markusg
22 hrs
Something went wrong...
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