Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

sportlich aktive Urlauber

English translation:

active /sport minded vacationers

Added to glossary by Neele
Jul 29, 2007 21:23
17 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term

sportlich aktive Urlauber

German to English Social Sciences Tourism & Travel
sportlich aktive Urlauber

Ich denke, Kontext ist nicht notwendig....
Change log

Jul 30, 2007 14:37: Marcus Malabad changed "Field" from "Other" to "Social Sciences" , "Field (specific)" from "Other" to "Tourism & Travel"


Francis Lee (X) Jul 30, 2007:
Context/readership? What are your own ideas? What do you think about the very relevant point "active" vs. "aktiv"?

Proposed translations

1 hr

active and sport minded vacationers

or sports loving vacationers / sports vacationer /
active vacationer

US English...
Peer comment(s):

agree Christine Lam : any of these work well
2 mins
Thanks, Christine!
agree Nicole Schnell
13 mins
Thanks, Nicole!
agree Susanne Rindlisbacher
53 mins
Thanks, Susanne!
agree Lancashireman : As Neele doesn’t state whether he/she wants BE holidaymakers or AE vacationists. Thanks for sparing us the indignity of ‘athletes’, Susie.
2 hrs
Thanks, Andrew! I wasn't sure if BE would be holidaymakers or persons on holiday, but now I know!:))
agree casper (X) : The 'active' part need not be carried over into English though, I feel
6 hrs
agree Tim Jenkins : UK English: "(physically) active holidaymaker"
7 hrs
agree Mihaela Boteva
11 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
5 mins

sportive tourists

Erster Gedanke, ohne Kontext.

Note added at 12 mins (2007-07-29 21:35:33 GMT)

oder auch: sportivly active tourists
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37 mins

sportsmen and women

Falls aus dem Zusammenhang hervorgeht, dass es sich um Urlauber handelt.
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1 hr

sports-oriented tourists

You could also use "active leisure" somewhere.
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