Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

unterlassenes Bedienen

English translation:

negligent operation

Added to glossary by David Williams
Feb 6, 2012 17:29
12 yrs ago
German term

unterlassenes Bedienen

German to English Tech/Engineering Engineering (general) Contracting

"... außer den dafür entstehenden Kosten trägt der Auftragnehmer auch das volle Risiko eines evtl. Schadens durch falsches, unsachgemäßes oder unterlassenes Bedienen durch diese Personen."

This is in a tender being submitted for a CHP power plant. I'm not sure how best to put the whole caboodle "falsches, unsachgemäßes oder unterlassenes Bedienen".


* Sentence or paragraph where the term occurs: See above
* Document type: Tender
* Target audience: Engineering company
* Country and dialect (source): German
* Country and dialect (target): American English


Johannes Gleim Feb 7, 2012:
I know that. I do not confuse maintenance with operation, but highlight that "neglected operation" is nearly impossible in contrast to "negligent/neglected maintenance. Now clear?
philgoddard Feb 7, 2012:
Bedienen means operate, not maintain.
Johannes Gleim Feb 7, 2012:
negligent operation or failure? I do not suppose negligent operation. The operators are monitored and alerted in case of need, but can take wrong actions (failure to act correctly), what may result in an disaster.

Negligent maintenance will not be detected as quick as failure to service (as monitored, too) and is therefore more probable. If the staff neglects the maintenance, no immediate damage will follow. Only the equipement will deteriorate, what results in higher follow-up costs for repair.
David Williams (asker) Feb 7, 2012:
Thanks The item they are talking about is the CHP power plant and "diese Personen" are the plant operators.
casper (X) Feb 6, 2012:
incorrect, improper or inappropriate operation is the collocation that comes to my mind.
philgoddard Feb 6, 2012:
It means "negligent use" or "failure to use" - but what item are they talking about, and who are "diese Personen"?

Proposed translations

17 mins

incorrect, improper or negligent handling

I would suggest

Note added at 18 mins (2012-02-06 17:47:31 GMT)

or: operation

Note added at 7 hrs (2012-02-07 00:55:15 GMT)

Failing to take proper care in doing something: "directors have been negligent in the performance of their duties".
Peer comment(s):

neutral Wendy Streitparth : it can't be negligent because it didn't happen!
3 hrs
"negligent" doesn't exclude lack of action
agree philgoddard : Since we now know that it's a power station, "operate" would be more appropriate than "handle". I agree that negligent includes lack of action.
21 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks to you all for the discussion, too!"
8 hrs

neglected operation

To construe the German, no guarantee for proper jargon. "Omitted" might be more literal. For the rest, a strict parsing would be "mistaken" ("misguided"), and "inappropriate".
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

failure to operate

failure to assist a person in danger unterlassene Hilfeleistung
failure to render assistance unterlassene Hilfeleistung
non-assistanceBE of a person in danger [law] unterlassene Hilfeleistung
nonassistanceAE of a person in danger [law] unterlassene Hilfeleistung
deferred maintenance unterlassene Reparaturen

Die enorm hohe Sterbequote zeigt, dass Kinder im Rahmen der so genannten „dezentralen Euthanasie“ aktiv oder passiv durch unterlassene Behandlung und mangelnde Pflege getötet wurden.
The enormously high death rate shows that children were murdered actively or passively — through omitted treatment and a lack of care – within the framework of the so-called "decentralized euthanasia

Schäden an Infrastruktur und Bodenmelioration, die normalen jahreszeitlichen Bedingungen zuzuschreiben sind oder auf Nachlässigkeit, unsachgemäße oder unterlassene Instandhaltung oder natürliche Abnutzung zurückzuführen sind, kommen dem Rundschreiben zufolge nicht für Finanzhilfen aus dem nationalen Solidaritätsfonds in Betracht.
With respect to the damage to infrastructure and land improvement works, the circular says that any damage which may be attributed to negligence, insufficient maintenance, natural deterioration, or normal seasonal conditions is not entitled to compensation through the Fondo di solidarietà nazionale.

Unterlassene Instandhaltung kann nicht nur die Nutzungsdauer von Anlagen oder Gebäuden verkürzen, sondern zu Unfällen führen - z. B. kann ein nicht instand gesetzter Bodenbelag in einem Lager einen Gabelstaplerunfall verursachen, bei dem der Fahrer und umstehende Personen verletzt und das [...]
lack of maintenance may not only shorten the lifespan of equipment or buildings, but may also cause accidents - for example, unrepaired damage to the floor of a warehouse may cause a forklift accident, injuring worker/s, but also causing damage to the property.

Höhere Rückstellungen für unterlassene Instandhaltung und Großreparaturen sind hauptsächlich auf die vorgezogene Kesselrevision in der Rohhütte [...]
Higher provisions for deferred maintenance and major repairs are mainly due to the boiler overhaul in the primary smelter which has been rescheduled [...]

[...] enthalten überwiegend Beträge für ausstehende Rechnungen, Urlaubsansprüche, Gratifikationen, unterlassene Instandhaltung und Jahresabschlusskosten.
[...] mainly include amounts for outstanding invoices, holiday entitlement, gratuities, deferred maintenance and costs relating to the financial statements.

(2) Ist die bei ordnungsgemäßem Gebrauch übliche Nutzungsdauer der baulichen Anlage durch Instandsetzungen oder Modernisierungen verlängert worden oder haben unterlassene Instandhaltung oder andere Gegebenheiten zu einer Verkürzung der Restnutzungsdauer geführt, soll der Bestimmung der Wertminderung wegen Alters die geänderte Restnutzungsdauer und die für die bauliche Anlage übliche Nutzungsdauer [...]
(2) Where the usual useful life of the building(s) assuming proper use has been prolonged by maintenance or modernization work, or where failure to carry out maintenance or other circumstances have resulted in a shortening of the remaining useful life, the determination of the reduction in value due to age should be based on the changed remaining life and the usual useful life for the building(s).

[...] Aufwandsrückstellungen in den IFRS (insbesondere Rückstellungen für unterlassene Instandhaltung). T
herefore, the IFRS do not allow for provisions for expenses (especially provisions for omitted repairs and maintenance). ins...
(Anmerkung: Alle Übersetzungen (insufficient, deferred, omitted, neglected, lack of) meinen eigentlich vernachlässigte Wartung statt unterlassene Wartung. Vollständig unterlassen ist nur „failure to do ..)

[...] sind alleinig verantwortlich für die Genauigkeit, Qualität, Integrität, Rechtmäßigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit, Eignung und die geistigen Eigentums- oder Nutzungsrechte in Verbindung mit sämtlichen Kundendaten und ist nicht verantwortlich und haftet nicht für Löschungen, Korrekturen, Zerstörungen, Beschädigungen, Verluste oder unterlassene Speicherungen von Kundendaten.
You, not, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all Customer Data, and shall not be responsible or liable for the deletion, correction, destruction, damage, loss or failure to store any Customer Data.

Failure to observe the above safety precautions could result in severe bodily injury, including death in extreme cases.
Die Nichtbeachtung der oben genannten Sicherheitsanweisungen kann zu schweren körperlichen Verletzungen führen, im Extremfall sogar zum Tod!

Note added at 1 day3 hrs (2012-02-07 21:27:29 GMT)

Some additional references:

Pflichtwidriges Unterlassen einer Ausschreibung und die Rechtsfolgen: Teil 2 = Failure to put out a tender in breach of duty and its legal consequences: Part 2

Failure to operate the CHP package correctly, and to maintain it effectively, will not only result in a loss of the expected cost savings: it will also reduce the environmental benefits that can be achieved."failure to operate" "CHP"&hl=...

The positive effect of some policy measures has been outweighed by other market reforms which have been damaging, including the effects of new trading arrangements for electricity in 2001, and the failure to operate a clear power station consents policy favouring CHP and renewables since 1999.

By the way, "failure to operate" has 1.100.000 Google hits, and "neglected maintenance" has 102.000 Google hits while "neglected operation" has only 1.760 Google hits (mostly focussed on medical subjects).
Peer comment(s):

agree transatgees : Yes, the "failure to do something" formula is freuently used in English legal texts.
1 hr
Thank you!
agree Colin Rowe
10 hrs
Thank you!
neutral philgoddard : Now that we have the context, I don't think we'd say "failure to operate a power station". It's "negligent operation".
16 hrs
I see no new context. "Diese Personen sind die Bediener" was assumed by previously.
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