Glossary entry

Greek term or phrase:

Κατάλογος σημαντικών υλικών

English translation:

List of key materials

Added to glossary by d_vachliot (X)
Oct 31, 2007 14:07
17 yrs ago
Greek term

Κατάλογος σημαντικών υλικών

Greek to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering Quality Management
Δεν έχω συγκείμενο.

Το "σημαντικών" με προβληματίζει.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +7 List of key materials


d_vachliot (X) (asker) Oct 31, 2007:
Πέρα βέβαια από το προφανές: important materials.

Proposed translations

4 mins

List of key materials

or perhaps "Key Materials List"

Note added at 6 mins (2007-10-31 14:13:39 GMT)
Note from asker:
Η λέξη που δεν μου ερχόταν!
Peer comment(s):

agree Angeliki Papadopoulou : Spot on! I love this word - Hi, Dylan.
7 mins
Thank you! Hi, Angeliki.
agree Assimina Vavoula
12 mins
Thank you!
agree Vicky Papaprodromou
36 mins
Thank you, Vicky
agree Nadia-Anastasia Fahmi
1 hr
Thank you, Nadia
agree Antonia Keratsa
6 hrs
Thank you!
agree Sokratis VAVILIS
12 hrs
Thank you!
agree Mirjana Popovic Kirkontzogloy
6 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
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