Glossary entry

Hungarian term or phrase:

Mit keresek én itt?

English translation:

What am I doing here?

Added to glossary by Susanna & Christian Popescu
Feb 3, 2003 20:31
21 yrs ago
Hungarian term

Mit kersek en itt

Non-PRO Hungarian to English Other
Song lyrics
Change log

Aug 26, 2007 09:50: Susanna & Christian Popescu changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/43000">Susanna & Christian Popescu's</a> old entry - "Mit kersek en itt"" to ""What am I doing here?""

Proposed translations

10 mins

What am I doing here?

Peer comment(s):

agree Éva Vajda
26 mins
agree Elvira Stoianov
1 hr
multumesc, Elvira
agree janos44
18 hrs
agree Ildiko Santana
1 day 8 hrs
agree Csaba Ban : ha egy helyre adunk még agreeket, akkor magától is pontozódik a kérdés...
2 days 14 hrs
köszönöm, de én nem vadászok pontokat. Amugy sem tudom mire tudnám használni. Én csak segiteni akarok.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
2 mins

This is not Romanian.


Note added at 2003-02-03 20:37:26 (GMT)

It\'s most likely Hungarian.

Actually, following a Google search, it seems it\'s from Chicago\'s sundtrack (one of Hunyack\'s lines).

Can anybody in the Hungarian/English pair help?
Peer comment(s):

agree Cristina Moldovan do Amaral
4 mins
Something went wrong...
41 mins

Mit keresek én itt?

The previous replier is almost right with the translation. "What am I doing here" is the idiomatic translation, while literally it is "what I am searching here?" - although you would not use this in English.
BTW, the correct Hungarian spelling is "Mit keresek én itt?"
Peer comment(s):

agree Erika Pál (X)
41 mins
Thank you for all 4 "agrees". I am afraid that the asker will not grade any of the answers, and we have two answers with the same number of Agrees.
agree Leslie Gabor (X)
52 mins
Since Christian was to first to give the right answer, I would propose that from now on, new "agrees" should be given to that answer only,
agree Felicia Zarescu
9 hrs
(... was the first to...) In this way at least the question can be closed even if the asker herself does not grade it.
agree Ildiko Santana : Or, What am I looking for here...
1 day 8 hrs
Something went wrong...
2 days 13 hrs

How can I be here now ?

The more detailed answer is given by
Bán Csaba.
He is right.
This version is more free and shows that the person, who sings is a stranger, like in Stings song
" Englishman in New York "
Finaly is follows the rythm of the original text.

Note added at 2003-02-06 09:55:57 (GMT)

I mistyped, sorry.

Finaly, it follows
Something went wrong...
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