This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
May 5, 2005 09:33
19 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Italian term

deviatore luci anteriori calandra

Italian to English Other Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Button on a dashboard in a truck:
The explanation is that "devia l'accensione delle luci esterne anteriori alle luci installate sopra la cabina di guida"

I find references to the radiator when I look up "calandra" but it doesn't make sense to me in this context.

Any ideas? Thanks!
Proposed translations (English)
3 grille

Proposed translations

5 hrs


According to Oxford Paravia, anyway.

Note added at 5 hrs 9 mins (2005-05-05 14:43:02 GMT)

But I am not sure that this makes sense given that explanation you provided above. I will keep on looking :)

Note added at 5 hrs 18 mins (2005-05-05 14:52:01 GMT)

This might help shed some light on it ;) : Gruppo 2CV Tigullio - Les Amis de la Nuit - [
... confondere il comando del deviatore del riscaldamento ... quattro spie (accensione luci,
insufficiente pressione ... degli originali cristalli anteriori (si ribaltano ... - 17k -
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