Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

merce in conto visione

English translation:

goods supplied under approval

Added to glossary by Derek Smith
Dec 13, 2001 13:39
23 yrs ago
38 viewers *
Italian term

conto visione

Italian to English Bus/Financial
Hi folks
Here's the customer's definition:
"la transazione per la quale merce esce dalla propria azienda e arriva a quella del mio cliente e rimarrà lì per un certo periodo di tempo permettendo una visione del prodotto"
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 goods under approval/under view
5 +1 consignment account
4 +1 Commento per Vittorio
4 Exhibition of Product

Proposed translations

30 mins

goods under approval/under view

conto visione is what you write on what was the bolla di accompagnamento which is now the DDT (documento di trasporto)which normally means that if you get stopped during transport by the nice Finanza police they won't expect you to cough up a fattura for the goods. The other respondent is not wrong but it doesn't fit your context.
Peer comment(s):

agree Gillian Hargreaves (X)
38 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Fame, Tayfun and Vittorio. Fame's answer fits my context well - I can't use "consignment" because I also have "conto deposito". Respect Derek"
7 mins

Exhibition of Product

or Presentation ..That seems Consignment of a product for exhibition purposes
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50 mins

consignment account

I do not disagree with the second contribution, but it seems to fail to take care of the "conto" concept and to make a decision about the eventual destination of the merchandise. The idea of consignment would, at least take care of that. In any event, it appears to be a system of invoicing that is not common.
Peer comment(s):

agree babel1 : I've always heard this term used.
9 hrs
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1 hr

Commento per Vittorio


tu hai ragione. Conto lavorazione, conto deposito, conto visione sono tutte voci per merci o materiali in corso di trasformazione che devono essere contabilizzate e rese visibili a fine esercizio all'interno di un bilancio. In questo senso sono "conti o accounts".

Invece, quando si usa il termine conto nel contesto di Derek - in inglese non è necessario specificare "account".


Peer comment(s):

agree Vittorio Felaco : Grazie! Hai ragione!
8 hrs
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