Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:

Interested party

Added to glossary by Simona Vairo
Mar 31, 2011 19:41
13 yrs ago
52 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Law/Patents Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
An enhanced disclosure certificate from the Ministry of Justice:

sulla richiesta di: Interessato
per uso: Amministrativo

Upon the request of: ???


Simona Vairo (asker) Apr 2, 2011:
Thank you :) Thank you to everyone for your input!
Simona Vairo (asker) Mar 31, 2011:
There's only the name of the person of whom the records search is being performed. It would seem the same person is asking for the clearance. Unfortunately this is the only info I have.

Certificato Generale del Casellario Giudiziale
al nome di XXX
sulla richiesta di: INTERESSATO
meirs Mar 31, 2011:
See here - on "Casellario Giudiziale" :
CHI PUO' CHIEDERLO? - direttamente l'interessato
meirs Mar 31, 2011:
A party having a legal standing (interest) in the matter ?

Proposed translations

27 mins

Interested parties

I have always found the word 'interessato' difficult to translate into English because it often has no direct equivalent. Without more information about the context here I would say 'Interested parties'.
Peer comment(s):

agree Barbara Carrara : This definitely refers to the person requesting the certificate, i.e. the interested party or party concerned (as suggested by relevant IT>EN dictionary entry).
10 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 mins

the (data) subject

without a bit more context I'm not sure, but I imagine it means that the data in the certificate refer to the person requesting it.
Something went wrong...
1 day 3 hrs


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