Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Manuela Bongioanni
Mar 21, 2005 01:49
19 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Italian term


Italian to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Si parla di sistemi elettronici di supporto alle negoziazioni di titoli:

"Gran parte dei sistemi di negoziazione elettronici o ad asta gridata sono supportati da sistemi computerizzati per le procedure di trasmissione degli ordini (order routing), per **l'incrocio**, la registrazione e la compensazione delle operazioni."

Esiste un termine specifico?
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 crossing

Proposed translations

1 hr


crossing of orders,3206,1032 25936,0...

Note added at 1 hr 14 mins (2005-03-21 03:03:55 GMT)

or crossing orders.

If you\'re a broker and you find that one client has given you a sell order in a given stock and another has given you a buy order - depending on the exchange you could simply transfer the stock from A to B without seeking a counterparty on the exchange - this is a cross.
Peer comment(s):

agree Peter Cox
6 hrs
agree eileengreen
6 hrs
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