This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Aug 5, 2013 22:08
11 yrs ago
Italian term

proporzionati alle dimensioni e alle forme di imbottiti

Italian to English Marketing General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Marketing text for Luxury Interiors products
This is text describing a line of interiors produced by a luxury fashion brand. There are many references made to compare the stylish features of its fashion lines to the interior goods it is now producing. Context reads:

"I galles, i gessati, gli over vengono cosi ingranditi, dilatati, proporzionati alle dimensioni e alle forme di imbottiti e complementi d'arredo."

I can see that this is talking about the proportions of the size and shape, but am not sure about whether this is padded, or just made to look stuffed (i.e. how do the proportions relate to "imbottiti")?


cynthiatesser Aug 6, 2013:
Could you let us know ... ... what you have found?
Lara Barnett (asker) Aug 5, 2013:
Upholstery Thank you Dandamesh for your contribution. I have just found a translation online of "upholstery" for "imbottito". This shines a whole new light on my text and I am therefore closing the question.
dandamesh Aug 5, 2013:
i motivi vengono adattati a superficie più vaste (cuscini, divani, etc) quindi saranno più grandi, qualcosa come maxi print
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