Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

utilità d'uso

English translation:

use benefits/benefits of use

Added to glossary by ARS54
Jun 16, 2010 10:03
14 yrs ago
14 viewers *
Italian term

utilità d'uso

Italian to English Other Law: Contract(s)
Can anyone help me with this term found in a contract for sales representatives: "Non è consentito offrire denaro o doni a dirigenti (...), salvo che si tratti di doni o **utilità d’uso** di modico valore". Thanks :-), Sarah.
Change log

Jun 19, 2010 09:44: ARS54 changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/71452">Sarah Gregg's</a> old entry - "utilità d\'uso"" to ""use benefits/benefits of use""


Michele Armellini Jun 16, 2010:
Untraceable bribery... I won't try to provide a suggestion, but the point is that somebody can be bribed by an outright payment or gift - which are traceable. Or you can provide him with the possibility of using a car, house, yacht... that's still corruption. if you look up company ethical codes you'll find these are stock wordings, which go back to Law 231/2001 and the penal code articles about corruption.

Proposed translations

30 mins

use benefits/benefits of use


Note added at 2 giorni23 ore (2010-06-19 09:43:38 GMT) Post-grading

Thank you very much indeed, Sarah, and happy w/e, Anna Rosa
Example sentence:

...loss of use benefits under Pennsylvania law ...

...receiving some benefits of use. ...

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to you all... in the end went for "benefits of use". "
20 mins


A suggestion
Example sentence:

We just have regular clothes, not expensive wear

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1 hr

practical use

potrebbe riferirsi a beni tipo: calendari, penne che hanno una utilità d'so e quindi un uso pratico..
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2 hrs

non-monetary contribution

This seems to fit your context, although it may be a bit broad. See links for examples.
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2 hrs


I'd keep it fairly vague
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