Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

tronchetto sbraccio

English translation:

outreach section

Added to glossary by biankonera
Feb 13, 2007 07:58
18 yrs ago
12 viewers *
Italian term

tronchetto sbraccio

Italian to English Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering
e' la parte nella gru fra braccio, settore di coda e braccio, settore intermedio. Infatti capisco cosa e' "sbraccio" ma insieme a "tronchetto" mi confusa.
Proposed translations (English)
1 outreach section

Proposed translations

1 hr

outreach section


It might depend on the exact type of crane. Some "topless" city cranes have an inclined section above the cabin to which both counterjib and jib(boom) are connected via multiple tie rods. This section effectively increases the outreach capacity. Alternatively I guess it could just be a connecting section coaxial with counterjib and jib. There are also luffing cranes of this type that have a different mechanical configuration of the superstructure that might be relevant for your term. Could you put something vague and send a note or check with your customer? Cranes can be very tricky.
Note from asker:
Tricky thats not the word! The crane Im dealing with is a tower crane.
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