May 1, 2002 17:32
22 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Italian term

collaterali omocoronarici

Italian to English Medical
... con tardiva visualizzazione del vaso distale all'occlusione per collaterali omocoronarici
Proposed translations (English)
5 +1 by collaterals of the same vessel
3 homocoronary collaterals

Proposed translations

37 mins

by collaterals of the same vessel

As Nikolaus says, "homocoronary" is not a term used in Enlgish medical literature. I recently ran a search to respond to the same question in the pair Spanish-English and found very few articles (all by non-English authors)with "homocoronary".

I'd just say "by collaterals of the same vessel" or "by collaterals branches of XXX -coronary artery name").

Peer comment(s):

agree gmel117608
1 day 17 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
24 mins

homocoronary collaterals

Pero', non mi sembra una terminologia molta usata.

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