Dec 2, 2003 09:48
21 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Italian term

si percepiscono a fior di pelle

Non-PRO Italian to English Other
un luogo immerso nella natura dove l'energia,l'entusiasmo e la magia del posto si percepiscono a fior di pelle

The problem is not really what the last phrase actually means, but how to handle it in the context - it seems rather a strange thing to say!

Proposed translations

52 mins

that conveys an overwhelming sense (or feeling) ...

of energy, excitement and magic...
Peer comment(s):

agree Grace Anderson
2 hrs
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1 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. It makes sense and has helped me to a solution (without the 'overwhelming I think), although it seems a strange way of putting it!"
10 mins

which radiates energy, enthusiasm ...

I would rephrase it that way. If one is overwhelmed by certain feelings, you could also say that this particular spot radiates ...
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14 mins

heightened sensitivity to/awareness of the characteristics of the place

I know the expression from French. It it used in phrases to mean something that is superficially sensitive. For "nerves", it means that your nerves on on edge.
Here it has to be treated more, poetically, along the lines of "a place whose energy, enthusiasiam and magic enter your system through the very pores of your skin". "where you are extra-sensitive to the energy, enthusiasm and magic."
Not very good translations but I hope they put you on the right track.
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7 hrs

you can feel it in your bones

...Just a comment: I've noticed that in Italian, "pelle" is often used to convey the sense that you are perceiving something by other than normal means (seeing, hearing, etc.), whereas in similar situations, we use other body parts - often internal - in English. E.g., "e una questione di pelle" = it's chemistry/it's a visceral connection or attraction, etc.
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