Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

risvolto in positivo

English translation:

positive version

Added to glossary by Kari Parrott
May 19, 2005 15:48
19 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Italian term

risvolto in positivo

Italian to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
Here's the context:
"Diremo subito che il volume pare il risvolto in positivo di un altro libro nato da un’altra mostra assai ambiziosa tenutasi alla Fondation Cartier di Parigi nel 2002, Unknown Quantity di Paul Virilio (Thames & Hudson)."
Change log

May 31, 2005 02:41: luskie changed "Field (specific)" from "Journalism" to "Poetry & Literature"

Proposed translations

20 hrs

positive version

just one more option, but I can't say how it fits here because without further info it's hard to grasp the real meaning of the phrase. it's undoubtedly saying that the volume is the opposite of Virilio's one, but I can't understand whether positive/negative has or has not an additional connotation related to the content of the volumes, like eg a positive vs a negative view of things or life or politics and so on. my feeling is that it has.

Note added at 1 day 18 hrs 5 mins (2005-05-21 09:53:26 GMT)

positive counterpart might be another option
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This seems to fit the context best. Thanks a lot!"
29 mins

positve implication

according to Sansoni, or positive side effect..vedi te ciao..PC
Peer comment(s):

agree esoft : è vero; però mi sembra quasi un gioco di parole - mi sembra sentire che il nuovo libro è un contrario del primo
10 mins
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43 mins

positive/realistic/opposite outlook

I could be wrong, it could mean the "positive view" as in "opposite" of "photo negative"

mi sembra quasi un gioco di parole, ma forse sto leggendoci troppo....
Peer comment(s):

neutral Persefone : Credo di aver capito cosa intendi...tipo "risvolto della giacca", qualcosa che somiglia al "diritto" ma che, in questo caso, sarebbe fatto meglio . Interpreti "risvolto" nel senso non figurato. Potresti aver ragione, sarebbe utile leggere il seguito!!
4 hrs
You said it better...but who knows? I hope that we will find out from Kari eventually :-)
agree luskie : this is more or less what I seem to understand
19 hrs
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Comment: "This a good answer, but for the context I think "positive version" fits better."
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