Jun 26, 2013 15:44
11 yrs ago
37 viewers *
Italian term

convalida di arresto

Italian to English Law/Patents Law (general) convalida di arresto
cari colleghi,
come tradurreste questi termini che metto tra parentesi?
Il contesto è il seguente:

La Seconda fase ha la funzione di mettere in grado la pubblica accusa sia di formulare (put forward?)la richiesta di convalida di arresto (Arrest Validation?), sia di chiedere nella successiva udienza una delle misure cautelari personali.

Grazie mille!

Proposed translations

1 hr

arrest validation // validation of the arrest

https://www.google.it/search?q="validation of the arrest"&oq...

See Article 391 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure:


"4. Quando risulta che l'arresto o il fermo è stato legittimamente eseguito e sono stati osservati i termini previsti dagli articoli 386 comma 3 e 390 comma 1, il giudice provvede alla convalida con ordinanza."

It is a formal verification, which does not involve any charges verification, at this stage (the GIP knows strictly nothing about the substance of the charges, and is just called to verify the legality of the arrest)

See also:


"In sede di convalida vengono prese due distinte decisioni:
- il giudice accerta se l’arresto o il fermo è stato legittimamente eseguito e se sono stati osservati i termini perentori per porre l’arrestato a disposizione del Pubblico Ministero (24 ore) e per chiedere la convalida (48 ore), quindi decide con ordinanza se convalidare o meno l’arresto o il fermo.

Just a formal check, then, on the legality of the arrest. It is too soon for a judge to examine the charges, since only the Prosecutor knows about them, at this stage. The judge has a completely "virgin mind" about the charges, at this stage.
Note from asker:
Grazie mille per la dettagliatissima risposta :-)
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27 mins

confirm charges

the subsequent hearing before the GIP (Preliminary Investigation Judge) is the confirmation of charges hearing.
The first stage is when the police detain or arrest a suspect on charges and the Public Prosecutor then has 48 hrs while the suspect is detained or released on charges, to formulate charges before seeking confirmation of charges during the charges' confirmation hearing.
Hope this is clear! (awful lot
Note from asker:
Thank you so much, very useful information
Peer comment(s):

neutral Sebastiano Massimo Barbagallo : In Italy, at this specific stage (Article 391 Code of Criminal procedure) there is no verification of charges, so the "Udienza di convalida dell'arresto" is definitely not a charges' confirmation hearing
36 mins
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1 hr

initial appearance - initial arraignment

art. 390 cpp. Richiesta di convalida dell'arresto o del fermo - 1. Entro 48 ore dall'arresto o dal fermo il PM,..., richiede la convalida al giudice per le indagini preliminari... 2. il giudice fissa l'udienza di convalida al piu presto e comunque entro le 48 ore successive dandone avviso, senza ritardo, al PM e al difensore.

In federal courts of the United States, arraignment takes place in two stages. The first is called the initial arraignment and must take place within 48 hours of an individual's arrest, 72 hours if the individual was arrested on the weekend and not able to go before a judge until Monday.[1] During this arraignment the defendant is informed of the pending legal charges and is informed of his or her right to retain counsel. The presiding judge also decides at what amount, if any, to set bail. During the second arraignment, a post-indictment arraignment or PIA, the defendant is allowed to enter a plea.
Initial Appearance -- As soon as practicable after arrest, the alleged offender must be granted an Initial Appearance before a Magistrate Judge. The Magistrate Judge advises the accused of his or her rights and determines if he or she has the financial ability to hire an attorney or if a public defender must be appointed. The Magistrate Judge also sets release conditions, including any bond. At the same time, a federal prosecutor, known as an Assistant United States Attorney, may ask that the defendant be detained.
Note from asker:
Grazie mille per l'estratto, molto utile per capire cosa succede nell'ordinamento Americano.
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