Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

HGT per 3

English translation:

3-day HGT profile

Added to glossary by Joseph Tein
This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Sep 13, 2011 20:50
13 yrs ago
19 viewers *
Italian term

HGT per 3

Italian to English Medical Medical (general) treatment orders
This is from a pre-printed nursing progress note form. On one side of the form, there is an area to write notes regarding procedures/vital signs/tests done in the morning, afternoon and evening. On the other side of the sheet are pre-printed items that deal with diet, mobilization, medication, and tests to be done.

This item is first in a line that looks like this:

[ ] HGT per ___3____ [ ] TMT [ ] PA ogni ___________

I think HGT is HemoGluco Test (see

I think TMT is Treadmill Test

PA is pressione arteriale/blood pressure

The next line, just to be complete, says: CPAP ______ Reservoir ______ Venturi _______ . Other items say Fermo a letto / Gambe giù dal letto / Mobilizzato, and other items talk about diet: Digiuno / Libera / Per diabetici. There is a box or line next to each item which can be checked ['ticked' for the UK folks] or where something may be written in.

In my document, the '3' is handwritten on the line following HGT.

I'm not sure how to translate the 'per' here, because I don't understand what the "HGT per 3" order is asking the nurse to do. (Is it to perform the test every 3 hours? But that would be the word "ogni" as used with the PA.)

What does this "HGT per 3" mean, and how would we say it in English?

Thanks again for your help.
Change log

Sep 20, 2011 23:22: Joseph Tein Created KOG entry


Joseph Tein (asker) Sep 20, 2011:
Thank you all ... (in this case, Sue) for your comments and for trying to help me with this. I thought of trying to find this on Bing, since I didn't find enough information on Google besides the link I posted in my first comment. Bing found the following: "Flow Chart [another great Italian medical term] per l'assistenza al paziente con ictus nelle prime 72 ore" ... see:

On page 6 of this, under "Glicemia" we have "Profilo HGT per 3 giorni 3 volte al giorno."

In English, then, I would call this "3-day HGT Profile" ,,, in fact, that's what I called it in my translation.

Hope this helps the next linguist.

SJLD Sep 14, 2011:
I know, it would be a weird abbreviation for temperature, but temp should appear somewhere - basic vital sign along with pulse rate, resp rate and BP.
Joseph Tein (asker) Sep 14, 2011:
TMT Ciao Sue ... 3 more candidates for TMT (since I read your note and went hunting for abbreviations again): "Trail Making Test" and "Timed Motor Test" and "Threshold Margin Test". I'm sure it's none of those! I can't seem to make TMT and temperature fit together, though. And this particular patient was in no shape to do a treadmill test anyway, with barely being able to walk to the bathroom.
SJLD Sep 14, 2011:
Hi Joe. TMT? I think temperature is more likely than treadmill test (not something you would do regularly).
Still wondering about HGT per 3. Three times a day is a common frequency.
Joseph Tein (asker) Sep 14, 2011:
Another example Found on a web site about nursing management : "Se il paz. è diabetico, praticare HGT per 3 e comunicarlo agli anestesisti" (see: master fran... )

I don't find any other instance of this in my online searches ... but at least someone else mentions it.

In the document I'm translating, this order "[X] HGT per ___3___" appears in every section of the nursing page (morning/afternoon/night) (that is, indicated three times on each page).

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