Jun 22, 2010 00:23
14 yrs ago
Japanese term


Japanese to English Science Medical: Pharmaceuticals randomized controlled trial


I’m guessing that the correct translation of 軽微 is “mild,” but I’m not sure. I’m not sure whether this term emphasizes the intensity or the frequency of the adverse events.

(Less importantly, I'm also wondering if it's okay to translate 同等 as "equal" or "equally" instead of "equivalent" or "equivalently.")


or significantly minimal or the like
How about significantly minor?
Eric Larson (asker) Jun 22, 2010:
Oops, I meant to write "milder," not "mild." The problem is the combination of 軽微 with 有意に.

有意に means "statistically significant," i.e., a p-value of less than 0.05. Thus, 軽微 is in comparative form, and is comparatively lesser in degree in a mathematically quantifiable way.
"Minimal, lighter, more negligible, minor, and slighter" don't seem to work. Nothing can be more minimal or more minor." (Statistically) significantly lighter/more negligible/slighter" all seem unnatural, subjective and difficult to quantify. On the other hand, my guess of "mild" also seems somewhat difficult to quantify. That's one reason I thought 軽微 might refer to frequency, which is easy to quantify. The document is an abstract, so there isn't enough detail to know whether a quantifiable scale is used for 軽微. I highly suspect this is a set medical term.

Proposed translations

5 hrs

(significantly) less (adverse effects)

- Here is a website that compares GC with MVAC therapies. In it, you will see that the word for 同等 is "equivalent."


The two regimens are thought to be "equivalent", but GC is gaining preference due to its more favorable toxicity profile.

While this trial was not designed to prove equivalence, comparable response rates and overall survival were observed in the two arms, with "significantly less" toxicity in favor of the GC combination.[29] GC produced higher rates of anemia and thrombocytopenia, but less neutropenia, neutropenic fever, and mucositis

- And, here's some added information on the changes of the Japanese phrase for RCT (Randomized Controlled Trial):
RCT は,従来「無作為化比較試験」と訳されていたが.この. 日本語は誤解を生じるものであり,現在は「ランダム化比較試験」と訳される.
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8 mins

minimal, light, negligible

Since it says 有害事象が有意に軽微, I would emphasize it being "minimal" but minor would also work.
For 同等、I would rather pick equivalent, or equivalency, or on par rather than just saying "equal" or "equally" though it all depends how you're going to structure the whole sentence, I suppose.
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15 mins

slight (treatment response)

Lactobacillus casei response to pteroylpolyglutamates - Elsevier - [ このページを訳す ]
T Tamura 著 - 1972 - 引用元 77 - 関連記事
However, the response of L. casei to pteroylpolyglutamates with four or more glutamate residues in the chain is still not clear. A slight response to PteGlu, (ca. 1,Jo compared to equimolar amount of monoglutamate) has been reported (1) ...

Note added at 57 mins (2010-06-22 01:21:08 GMT)

3. Arterial
Po. did not change significantly during eating. However PV 02 fell slightly but significantly.
HIV viral load rises slightly, but significantly in women in the 18 months after giving birth according to the results of a large US study published in the August 15th edition of the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. The study also found that women who did not receive any form of anti-HIV therapy in the months after birth had a significantly increased risk of AIDS or death.
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19 mins

Negligible, minor


Note added at 2 hrs (2010-06-22 03:12:17 GMT)

How about significantly minor?
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