Glossary entry

Polish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by literary
Nov 16, 2013 13:04
11 yrs ago
14 viewers *
Polish term


Polish to English Tech/Engineering Engineering (general)
olej jest dostarczany do zakładu, tam wprowadzany do systemu komputerowego, drukuje się etykietę dla dostawy:
1 x cysterna = 1 x etykieta
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 tanker
4 +3 cistern/tank/vat


literary (asker) Nov 19, 2013:
taka cysterna jest wręcz zapisana różnymi numerami
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Nov 19, 2013:
Każdy wagon ma numer rejestracyjny właściciela wagonu.
literary (asker) Nov 19, 2013:
gugluje "numer rejestracyjny cysterny", ale raczej, gdy jest to ciągnik+podwozie+cysterna = pojazd typu ciężarówka
literary (asker) Nov 18, 2013:
wagon wygląda podobnie:
literary (asker) Nov 18, 2013:
po wpisaniu "railway tanker" w Google Images widać, o co chodzi
ale czy takie cysterny mają "numer rejestracyjny"?
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Nov 17, 2013:
In the railroad context, we have a TANK CAR.
A tank car (International Union of Railways (UIC): tank wagon) is a type of railroad car (UIC: railway car) or rolling stock designed to transport liquid and gaseous commodities.
roster Nov 17, 2013:
to i tak jest tanker (truck/railway)
literary (asker) Nov 17, 2013:
dalej nagle mowa o "cysternie kolejowej", która jest rozładowywana; mowa też o wagonach (jako alternatywie dla cystern)
roster Nov 17, 2013:
nie mam pojęcia może się i da, ale chodzi o to, że jest opróżniana (podpina się przewody, cysterny zdejmować nie trzeba), a jej zawartość jest umieszczana w jakimś zbiorniku i jest to odnotowywane w systemie rozliczeniowym/surowców/itp.
literary (asker) Nov 17, 2013:
czy w ogóle można taką cysternę odczepić od podwozia?
literary (asker) Nov 17, 2013:
PWN Oxford: wagon cysterna = tank car
literary (asker) Nov 17, 2013:
dalej jest mowa o "numerze rejestracyjnym cysterny" - chyba chodzi o cały pojazd, a nie tylko zbiornik
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Nov 16, 2013:
We have an interesting question here. Roster is correct that the truck is a TANKER. However, the AMOUNT of oil in a tanker (used in the calculation above) can be a TANK of oil, since you do not multiply a tanker but a tank.
literary (asker) Nov 16, 2013:
Czy chodzi o całe ciężarówki z cysternami, czy tylko o zbiorniki?

Proposed translations

22 mins


Note from asker:
tak, polska "cysterna" odpowiada zdjęciom z angielskiej Wikipedii, jednak u mnie to właściwie zapewne "cysterna kolejowa"
Peer comment(s):

agree Grzegorz Mysiński
4 mins
agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. : A tank truck or tanker truck (United States usage) or petrol tanker (United Kingdom usage, both commonly shortened to tanker) is a motor vehicle designed to carry liquefied loads, dry bulk cargo or gases on roads.
52 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "OK"
6 mins


cistern would be a safe choice, given the similarity to cysterna

Note added at 1 hr (2013-11-16 14:18:07 GMT)

I think tank truck, tanker truck, or petrol tanker are the right answers.

A tank truck or tanker truck[1] (United States usage) or petrol tanker (United Kingdom usage, both commonly shortened to tanker) is a motor vehicle designed to carry liquefied loads, dry bulk cargo or gases on roads.

Note added at 1 hr (2013-11-16 14:18:51 GMT)

short is tanker, per roster's answer

Note added at 1 hr (2013-11-16 14:23:16 GMT)

However, as a MEASURE, one TANK is right - the amount that the container can hold:, e.g., buy a tank of gas.

Note added at 1 day1 hr (2013-11-17 14:38:37 GMT)

In the railroad context, we have a TANK CAR.
A tank car (International Union of Railways (UIC): tank wagon) is a type of railroad car (UIC: railway car) or rolling stock designed to transport liquid and gaseous commodities.
Peer comment(s):

agree LilianNekipelov : Tank.
4 mins
Thank you, Lilain. You can always be counted on to provide a ready advice.
agree mike23 : I would go for 'tank' too as we don't know whether it's static or towable storage equipment.
4 hrs
I thank you, accept your kind advice, and also vote for "tank." There is something about collective wisdom.
agree petkovw : tank
4 hrs
Thanks, petkovw, for confirming this choice. We should raise tankards to this.
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