Glossary entry

Polish term or phrase:

sytuacja losowa

English translation:

unexpected circumstances

Added to glossary by safil
Jun 13, 2012 20:31
12 yrs ago
24 viewers *
Polish term

sytuacja losowa

Polish to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
Kontekst dość powszechny, umowa i zdanie: "w sytuacjach losowych możliwa jest zmiana terminu wyjazdu...". Być może mam zaćmienie, ale próbuję, próbuję i niestety nic mi do głowy nie chce przyjść, dlatego bardzo proszę o pomoc :)


safil (asker) Jun 14, 2012:
Thank you all for a great discussion and nice, inspiring ideas. I will probably use one of the combinations given in the discussion, but as nobody posted them as answers I will choose "the unexpected circumstances". Again, thank you all :)
Caryl Swift Jun 14, 2012:
Combination Might a combination of the two not come closer to the notion of 'fate'? Could you, perhaps, use 'in unforseen and emergency situations'...?
Natalia Nieć Jun 14, 2012:
In a way Act of God is an unexpected circumstance, isn't it :-))
But on a more serious note, it does seem curious why this particular expression should be included in secular law. I would say more common law than constitutional but here in Canada we try to be as transparent as possible ;-) So, for those who believe it's an "Act of God", and for those who don't these are... unexpected circumstances (just kidding :-))). But in fact any of the propsed terms will do, as well as the one given by Olga in discussion. At this point, it's all up to the Asker.
Olga Slattery Jun 13, 2012:
@ Mariusz I'm based in the Republic, things are waaaay more relaxed down here, still: Case Law applies, same based on common(will NOT say: wealth) principle and precedents. ;)
Mariusz Kuklinski Jun 13, 2012:
@ same Indeed, surprisingly few hits. Well, I've been there, both up and down and I know the feel of the place.
Olga Slattery Jun 13, 2012:
same in Irish jurisdiction: search results for Act of God (Case Law NOT Constitutional Law!!), try each link and F3 search for the phrase in question. Not arguing, yet I do insist on the 'God' issue being politically iffy.
Mariusz Kuklinski Jun 13, 2012:
Act of God applied When I was a very fresh Londoner, in the previous millennium, it did snow one night and the street was covered with around an inch of it. Feeling socially responsible I took a broom in the morning and began sweeping. A mature gentleman approached me and asked me, what was I doing? "I sweep the snow off" - I told him. "Do you realise" - asked the gentleman, that if anyone breaks a leg on the section of the pavement that you have swept, you are liable?". I asked: "what if anyone breaks a leg on the section that I have not swept?" - Well, said the native gentleman, this will be Act of God...
Olga Slattery Jun 13, 2012:
@ Mariusz Armagh - priceless!
Mariusz Kuklinski Jun 13, 2012:
@ Thank you I'll gladly step back
Mariusz Kuklinski Jun 13, 2012:
@ challenging I have been to Armagh...
Mariusz Kuklinski Jun 13, 2012:
@ Nie wiem dlaczego "Act of God" is a very technical term, a synonym of "Force Majeure" and is very commonly applied in thoroughly secular contracts. It has over 4 million hits on Google.
safil (asker) Jun 13, 2012:
@ Mariusz
Nie wiem dlaczego, ale Acts of God nie pasują mi do nagle pogarszającego się stanu zdrowia dziecka, które na pewno jest zawarte w tych sytuacjach losowych, może to przez naszą polską naturę ;)
Olga Slattery Jun 13, 2012:
@ Mariusz Act of God did cross my mind, however, same only applies if 'God' is a default legal/constitutional factor, very iffy and politically challenging, mar dhea.
Olga Slattery Jun 13, 2012:
Thank you... but we're all correct to an extent and I seek no points, so if either Mariusz or Natalia wish to add same as explanation, may they feel free to do so. Best of luck :)
Mariusz Kuklinski Jun 13, 2012:
@ hm If your house burns down or is destroyed by a tornado, or there's a flood, or the plane's engines fail, this will be acknowledged as an emergency too. And there are Acts of God
safil (asker) Jun 13, 2012:
Could you please post your answer as "exceptional and urgent situation" as it seems to combine both "emergency" and "unexpected" and would be just perfect in a situation where a "better negotiating position" seems a good thing for the kid :) Wielkie dzięki Mariusz i Natalia!! Thank you all :)
Natalia Nieć Jun 13, 2012:
hm rzeczywiście "emergency" bardziej kojarzy mi się z kontekstem medycznym, natomiast "unexpected circumstances" są na tyle pojemnym terminem, że używając go właściwości kontekstu mogą zostać zachowane przy jednoczesnym poszerzeniu jego granic o wydarzenia o innym charakterze.
Mariusz Kuklinski Jun 13, 2012:
@ Olga Thank you, Olga. There are never too many crib notes...
Olga Slattery Jun 13, 2012:
@ Mariusz [Tip my hat] a great mind is a humble one, pleasure interacting with same! Further options (eg. exceptional and urgent needs) @ and
Mariusz Kuklinski Jun 13, 2012:
A sick child In emergency
safil (asker) Jun 13, 2012:
Obie wersje w zasadzie mi się podobają, ale może poszerzę nieco kontekst... ten wyjazd to wyjazd chorego dziecka na terapię i sytuacja losowa może obejmować pogorszenie się wyników badań i brak pozwolenia na lot samolotem, ale może pewnie także obejmować śmierć w rodzinie i inne przypadki, więc nie mam pojęcia, które teraz będzie lepsze :|

Proposed translations

9 mins

unexpected circumstances

z takim terminem się spotykam
Peer comment(s):

agree Olga Slattery : :) must have been posting simultaneously...
5 mins
ooo, no proszę, tym razem ja byłam pierwsza :-) Bo właściwie zawsze tłumaczę na angielski w ten sposób
agree p_t
43 mins
Dziękuję :-)
agree maciejm
8 hrs
Dzięki Maćku
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "dziękuję raz jeszcze :)"
5 mins

in emergency

Peer comment(s):

neutral Olga Slattery : not always the case: some qualify as 'unforseen/unexpected circumstances', depending on context, as usu
7 mins
Thank you, you are right, Olga, put it as a response, please. I have a slight preference for unforeseen. On a second thought, if you claim an emergency, you have a much better negotiating position :-))
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