Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Portuguese term or phrase:
caranguejos e siris
English translation:
crabs (in general) and crustaceans of the family Portunidae
Portuguese term
caranguejos e siris
siri = crab
How to differentiate?
4 +1 | crabs (in general) and crustaceans of the family Portunidae |
Michael Powers (PhD)
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5 +1 | sea crabs & sand crabs |
Jonas Teixeira (X)
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Jun 28, 2011 01:41: Michael Powers (PhD) Created KOG entry
Jun 28, 2011 01:41: Michael Powers (PhD) changed "Field" from "Other" to "Science"
Proposed translations
crabs (in general) and crustaceans of the family Portunidae
crab, any of a number of crustaceans having five pairs of walking legs
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Michaelis Moderno Dicionário Português-Inglês (Portuguese-English)
[sir'i] sm bras, Zool common name of several species of crustaceans of the family Portunidae: a type of crab.
© 2000 Editora Melhoramentos Ltda.
Para maiores informações clique em MICHAELIS
agree |
Christina Paiva
: Random House: *swimming crab* any of numerous, chiefly marine crabs, esp. of the family Portunidae, having the legs adapted for swimming.
1 day 11 hrs
Thank you, Christina - I have always enjoyed the Random House along with Oxford and Merriam-Webster as the three best English monolingual dictionaries. Mike
sea crabs & sand crabs
Um siri ["sand crab" ou "ghost crab"] também é um caranguejo ["sea crab"], mas costuma-se fazer a distinção entre os dois.
Vide os 2 sites abaixo em inglês: o primeiro mostra as fotos dos siris ["sand crabs"] e o segundo os caranguejos ["sea crabs"].
Note added at 3 horas (2011-06-16 23:06:51 GMT)
For obvious reasons, please, never say "crabs" alone in this circumstance, without the word "sea" in the front of "crabs", in order to have "sea crab". This s my opinion, which can be corroborated by English-speaking peers.
Ambos são habitantes de um mangue, seria ainda assim correto dizer que a definição seria Sand Crab? |
agree |
Mary Palmer
2 hrs
Grato, Mary. Entretanto, se o contexto do consulente for eminentemente técnico, a resposta do Michael poderá ser a mais apropriada, embora ainda creia que a palavra "crab" deveria vir precedida de "sea", para formar, então, "sea crab".