Jan 4, 2003 04:02
22 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Portuguese term

Prisão Albergue

Non-PRO Portuguese to English Law/Patents
Existiria algo semelhante no sistema americano?
Trata-se de um dos institutos que podem beneficiar o preso cujo comportamento carcerário/tipo de crime atenda certos requisitos.
Desde já agradeço qualquer colaboração.

Proposed translations

7 mins

halfway house

This is what I have been using, will be interested to see if others confirm it.
Peer comment(s):

agree diego asensio
6 hrs
agree LoreAC (X)
3 days 10 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muito obrigada a todos pela competência e pela colaboração."
5 hrs

hostel prison

Encontrei muitas referências a 'hostel prison', tanto em sites norte-americanos quanto em ingleses:


Consideration should be given to abolishing the term ‘Resettlement Prison’ since it is a
function of all prisons. The title ‘Hostel Prison’ is suggested to indicate its bridging
function clearly, and give some reassurance that it is still a prison. Advantage should be
taken of such an investment by flexible use according to need rather than age or other
label, and they should be adapted and adopted on a Regional basis.


I heard it is a felony to cheat in a casino in Nevada, even at a $5 blackjack game. True? Kenneth K.

Be it $5 or $5,000, cheating in a casino is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in a rudimentary Nevada hostel-prison. Cheating is one mistake that a misinformed player who romantically envisions himself as a cagey cat should avoid. Most, if not all, casinos will prosecute to the full extent of the law.
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17 hrs

house arrest

acho que já vi isso utilizado aqui nos EUA
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