Jul 19, 2002 11:14
22 yrs ago
Portuguese term

União do individual com o cósmico

Portuguese to English Other

Proposed translations

2 mins

Unity of the individual with the cosmic

Simple as that.
Peer comment(s):

agree Valeria Verona
8 mins
agree Sylvio Kauffmann
1 day 7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muito obrigado!!"
3 mins

Fusion of the individual with the cosmic

an alternative
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5 mins

union of the person with the cosmos

Ver segunda referencia. See the second reference.

Personhood and Being
... for the total psychosomatic entity of man renders impossible the union of the person
with ... from its inception[6] leads Greek thought to the concept of the cosmos ...

HealthWorld Online - Spirituality and Health - Through Illness to ...
... In contemplation there is something akin to an actual union of the person and the
object he is beholding in the ... Spirit is the creative energy of the cosmos. ...

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9 mins

harmonization of the individual with the cosmic

É necessário ter cuidado com as palavras união e fusão em espiritualismo, pois podem se referir à abordagem monista, em que a alma se funde no espírito supremo. Harmonization é uma palavra mais neutra que não deixa subentender o monismo, principalmente se o texto não quiser passar essa idéia. Na Maçonaria existem abordagens monistas e dualistas simultaneamente.
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8 hrs


Union is Uniao

Peco desculpas mas o meu teclado nao tem acentos
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