Nov 27, 2009 18:03
15 yrs ago
Portuguese term

a moça mais loira que naquela cidade se via

Portuguese to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
Gostaria que me ajudassem na tradução desta frase de um poema. O problema está em fazer rimar esta frase com outra que vem dois versos a seguir e que acaba em "night" - portanto esta frase tem que rimar com "night"...
Proposed translations (English)
3 +8 In that city, the blondest girl in sight

Proposed translations

12 mins

In that city, the blondest girl in sight


Note added at 17 mins (2009-11-27 18:21:10 GMT)

In that city, no blonder girl in sight
Peer comment(s):

agree Bruna Schutz : Ficou ótimo assim!
28 mins
Obrigada !! the second option, right ?
agree Isabelle17
1 hr
thanks Isabelle !
agree Filippe Vasconcellos de Freitas Guimarães : or town... either way, excellent :)
2 hrs
Thank you Fvasconcellos !
agree Adriana Maciel
6 hrs
Thanks Adriana!
agree Katarina Peters : your second option even better
6 hrs
I also like that one better. Thanks Katarina!
agree Marcelo González : Two great options, though I "second" the special praise offered by Katarina :-)
13 hrs
Thank you Marcelo !
agree Isabel Maria Almeida
16 hrs
Thanks Isabel !
agree Evans (X) : yes. especially the second version
1 day 18 hrs
Thank you Gilla !
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Obrigada, mais uma vez."
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