Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
prejudiciu patrimonial
English translation:
pecuniary loss
Added to glossary by
Maria Diaconu
Sep 23, 2008 10:31
16 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Romanian term
prejudiciu patrimonial
Romanian to English
Law (general)
...standarde obligatorii pentru legislaţia privitoare la sănătatea mintală care să asigure protecţia persoanelor cu tulburări psihice de riscul de a fi supuse discriminărilor, de a suferi prejudicii patrimoniale, în domeniul drepturilor civice etc.
Mulţumesc anticipat.
...standarde obligatorii pentru legislaţia privitoare la sănătatea mintală care să asigure protecţia persoanelor cu tulburări psihice de riscul de a fi supuse discriminărilor, de a suferi prejudicii patrimoniale, în domeniul drepturilor civice etc.
Mulţumesc anticipat.
Proposed translations
4 +3 | pecuniary loss |
Andrei Albu
![]() |
4 +1 | patrimonial loss |
A Word For I (X)
![]() |
Proposed translations
28 mins
pecuniary loss
Vezi GDT:
Domaine(s) : - assurance
- droit
dommage matériel
pecuniary loss
Définition :
Atteinte subie par une personne dans son patrimoine.
Sous-entrée(s) :
préjudice pécuniaire
préjudice patrimonial
Domaine(s) : - assurance
- droit
dommage matériel
pecuniary loss
Définition :
Atteinte subie par une personne dans son patrimoine.
Sous-entrée(s) :
préjudice pécuniaire
préjudice patrimonial
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Nina Iordache
5 hrs
agree |
Tatiana Welch
12 hrs
agree |
23 hrs
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Mulţumesc!"
34 mins
patrimonial loss
for *non-patrimonial loss.* The deceased's immediate family is a sub-set of the ... are entitled to *sue for **patrimonial loss** as well as *non-patrimonial loss. *...
Terminology and general principles pertaining to the law of damage.
**Patrimonial loss.**
The quantum of **patrimonial loss.**
The nature and quantification of *non-patrimonial loss.*
Principles pertaining to the recovery of damages, compensation, and satisfaction.
Damages and breach of contract.
**Patrimonial loss.* The quantum of *patrimonial loss.** The nature and quantification of *non-patrimonial loss.* Principles pertaining to the recovery of damages, ...
M What is the position of a plaintiff who has suffered **patrimonial loss** too? Generally speaking, the actio iniuriarum lies for sentimental damages, ...
Note added at 38 mins (2008-09-23 11:10:23 GMT)
It's both - anything that falls to the category of "patrimony" in any way, shape or form
Note added at 50 mins (2008-09-23 11:22:25 GMT)
patrimony encompasses and goes beyond the notion of the purely monetary, as does property
for *non-patrimonial loss.* The deceased's immediate family is a sub-set of the ... are entitled to *sue for **patrimonial loss** as well as *non-patrimonial loss. *...
Terminology and general principles pertaining to the law of damage.
**Patrimonial loss.**
The quantum of **patrimonial loss.**
The nature and quantification of *non-patrimonial loss.*
Principles pertaining to the recovery of damages, compensation, and satisfaction.
Damages and breach of contract.
**Patrimonial loss.* The quantum of *patrimonial loss.** The nature and quantification of *non-patrimonial loss.* Principles pertaining to the recovery of damages, ...
M What is the position of a plaintiff who has suffered **patrimonial loss** too? Generally speaking, the actio iniuriarum lies for sentimental damages, ...
Note added at 38 mins (2008-09-23 11:10:23 GMT)
It's both - anything that falls to the category of "patrimony" in any way, shape or form
Note added at 50 mins (2008-09-23 11:22:25 GMT)
patrimony encompasses and goes beyond the notion of the purely monetary, as does property
Reference comments
3 hrs
Nu mi-e clar daca merge in contextul asta.
Consisting of money, that which can be valued in money. A pecuniary loss is a loss of money or one that can be translated in terms of money.