Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

prejudiciu patrimonial

English translation:

pecuniary loss

Added to glossary by Maria Diaconu
Sep 23, 2008 10:31
16 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Romanian term

prejudiciu patrimonial

Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
...standarde obligatorii pentru legislaţia privitoare la sănătatea mintală care să asigure protecţia persoanelor cu tulburări psihice de riscul de a fi supuse discriminărilor, de a suferi prejudicii patrimoniale, în domeniul drepturilor civice etc.

Mulţumesc anticipat.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 pecuniary loss
4 +1 patrimonial loss


Andrei Albu Sep 23, 2008:
Cu plăcere :) Cred că merge şi Pecuniary. Vezi def. la
Consisting of money, that which can be valued in money. A pecuniary loss is a loss of money or one that can be translated in terms of money.
Maria Diaconu (asker) Sep 23, 2008:
Mulţumesc, mă întrebam dacă e vorba de bani sau de proprietăţi, se pare totuşi că le acoperă pe amândouă... mă gândeam la ceva de genul deprivation of property.

Proposed translations

28 mins

pecuniary loss

Vezi GDT:
Domaine(s) : - assurance
- droit


dommage matériel
pecuniary loss

Définition :
Atteinte subie par une personne dans son patrimoine.

Sous-entrée(s) :
préjudice pécuniaire
préjudice patrimonial
Peer comment(s):

agree Nina Iordache
5 hrs
agree Tatiana Welch
12 hrs
agree Iosif JUHASZ
23 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Mulţumesc!"
34 mins

patrimonial loss

for *non-patrimonial loss.* The deceased's immediate family is a sub-set of the ... are entitled to *sue for **patrimonial loss** as well as *non-patrimonial loss. *...

Terminology and general principles pertaining to the law of damage.
**Patrimonial loss.**
The quantum of **patrimonial loss.**
The nature and quantification of *non-patrimonial loss.*
Principles pertaining to the recovery of damages, compensation, and satisfaction.
Damages and breach of contract.

**Patrimonial loss.* The quantum of *patrimonial loss.** The nature and quantification of *non-patrimonial loss.* Principles pertaining to the recovery of damages, ...

M What is the position of a plaintiff who has suffered **patrimonial loss** too? Generally speaking, the actio iniuriarum lies for sentimental damages, ...

Note added at 38 mins (2008-09-23 11:10:23 GMT)

It's both - anything that falls to the category of "patrimony" in any way, shape or form

Note added at 50 mins (2008-09-23 11:22:25 GMT)

patrimony encompasses and goes beyond the notion of the purely monetary, as does property
Peer comment(s):

agree Nina Iordache
5 hrs
Thanks, Nina.
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

3 hrs

Nu mi-e clar daca merge in contextul asta.
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