Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
English translation:
full/complete blood count
Added to glossary by
Peter Shortall
Oct 4, 2007 11:24
17 yrs ago
102 viewers *
Romanian term
Romanian to English
Medical (general)
teste laborator
analiza de laborator
Proposed translations
2 +5 | full/complete blood count | Peter Shortall |
2 +1 | (full) blood count | Peter Shortall |
Change log
Oct 10, 2007 09:47: Peter Shortall Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
1 hr
full/complete blood count
My earlier answer mysteriously seems to have vanished... anyway, here it is again!
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
37 mins
(full) blood count
Bear in mind I'm not a doctor, so this might be wrong, but I had a "full blood count" done once and from what I can gather, your term *seems* to refer to the same thing, or at least something very similar. Might be worth checking out, at least.
"Hemograma (hemoleucograma)
Ce inseamna hemograma (hemoleucograma)?
Hemograma reprezinta analiza completa a sangelui din punct de vedere al celulelor care il compun."
"Hemoleucograma completa
Hemoleucograma completa este o analiza care masoara urmatoarele cantitati:
* Numarul de globule rosii din sange - eritrocite (RBC)
* Numarul de globule albe din sange - leucocite (WBC)
* Cantitatea totala de hemoglobina din sange (HGB)
* Procentul de globule rosii (hematocrit) (HCT)
* Media volumului globulelor (MCV) - marime globulelor rosii
* Media globulara a hemoglobinei (MCH)
* Concentratia medie a hemoglobinei (MCHC)
* Numarul de trombocite (PLT)"
"What is a full blood count?
A full blood count (FBC) is one of the most common blood tests done. A blood sample is taken which is prevented from clotting by using a preservative in the blood bottle. The sample is put into a machine which automatically:
* counts the number of red cells, white cells, and platelets per ml of blood.
* measures the size of the red blood cells and calculates their average (mean) size.
* calculates the proportion of blood made up from red blood cells (the haematocrit).
* measures the amount of haemoglobin in the red blood cells. "
"Full Blood Count
Also known as: FBC
Related tests: Haemoglobin, Haematocrit, Red blood cell (RBC) count, White blood cell (WBC) count, White blood cell differential count, Platelet count..."
Note added at 54 mins (2007-10-04 12:19:02 GMT)
Parcă i se mai zice şi "Complete Blood Count" (CBC), mai ales în afară Regatului Unit.
Note added at 57 mins (2007-10-04 12:21:17 GMT)
Un alt termen, poate mai "ştiinţific": hemogram (US), haemogram (UK)
"Hemograma (hemoleucograma)
Ce inseamna hemograma (hemoleucograma)?
Hemograma reprezinta analiza completa a sangelui din punct de vedere al celulelor care il compun."
"Hemoleucograma completa
Hemoleucograma completa este o analiza care masoara urmatoarele cantitati:
* Numarul de globule rosii din sange - eritrocite (RBC)
* Numarul de globule albe din sange - leucocite (WBC)
* Cantitatea totala de hemoglobina din sange (HGB)
* Procentul de globule rosii (hematocrit) (HCT)
* Media volumului globulelor (MCV) - marime globulelor rosii
* Media globulara a hemoglobinei (MCH)
* Concentratia medie a hemoglobinei (MCHC)
* Numarul de trombocite (PLT)"
"What is a full blood count?
A full blood count (FBC) is one of the most common blood tests done. A blood sample is taken which is prevented from clotting by using a preservative in the blood bottle. The sample is put into a machine which automatically:
* counts the number of red cells, white cells, and platelets per ml of blood.
* measures the size of the red blood cells and calculates their average (mean) size.
* calculates the proportion of blood made up from red blood cells (the haematocrit).
* measures the amount of haemoglobin in the red blood cells. "
"Full Blood Count
Also known as: FBC
Related tests: Haemoglobin, Haematocrit, Red blood cell (RBC) count, White blood cell (WBC) count, White blood cell differential count, Platelet count..."
Note added at 54 mins (2007-10-04 12:19:02 GMT)
Parcă i se mai zice şi "Complete Blood Count" (CBC), mai ales în afară Regatului Unit.
Note added at 57 mins (2007-10-04 12:21:17 GMT)
Un alt termen, poate mai "ştiinţific": hemogram (US), haemogram (UK)
Note from asker:
I think you're right, Peter. This test is a complex blood test and your term might be the right one: "full blood...". I don't know if this is the scientific term also. Let's wait a little while, maybe we have a doctor among us... Anyway, thank you very much for your help! |
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Mihaela Petrican
: complete blood count (CBC)...but FBC is also a right choice. Well done, Peter :)
23 mins
Mulţumesc, Mihaela! Ştii tu mai bine decât mine :)
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