Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

pаспорядительная лицензия

English translation:

water management licence

Added to glossary by Denis Kazakov
Jul 4, 2004 15:13
20 yrs ago
Russian term

pаспорядительная лицензия

Russian to English Tech/Engineering Environment & Ecology
Определение для справки:
Специальное разрешение на распоряжение в установленном порядке правами пользования водными объектами.
ст. 1 Водного кодекса Российской Федерации от 16.11.1995 ? 167-ФЗ


David Knowles Jul 4, 2004:
To Vladimir: Not necessarily. It might be even better to call it a "water management licence". That makes it clear what is being managed.
Vladimir Dubisskiy Jul 4, 2004:
Then it probably should be 'managing (or even 'managerial') license' not 'management license' (the latter reads as 'licensing the management to do / with smth'?
David Knowles Jul 4, 2004:
To Denis: yes, I think that sounds good, and may be better. It implies that the license-holder has to look after the stretch of water (not a water object!!). Jul 4, 2004:
To David Knowles What about management license? Does it make more sense to you as a native speaker?

Proposed translations

17 mins
Russian term (edited): p������������ ������

administrative licence

Maybe operational licence/licence to operate.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jack Doughty : Also with your comments to asker.
4 hrs
agree Ravindra Godbole
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for your help. I chose your last version."
4 mins
Russian term (edited): p������������ ������

license/licence to use

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1 hr
Russian term (edited): p������������ ������

Regulatory License

Tons of useful links, when searched in "". Sorry, gotta run...
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6 hrs
Russian term (edited): p������������ ������

water rights issuance authority

In the modern era, the allocation of water usage permits is normally governed by delegating authority to issue water rights to local bodies, under an umbrella agency at a higher governmental level or by legislation. Water use is a huge issue in the Western US and the models evolved there are coming into wider use in non-water-rich regions with fully operative governments.
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