Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

Расширенно (показать)

English translation:

pls see below

Added to glossary by Yuri Larin
Feb 10, 2011 02:03
14 yrs ago
Russian term

Расширенно (показать)

Russian to English Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
* Один знакомый обещал мне очень расширенно показать город. *
DIRECT TRANSLATION: offered to give me an extended tour of the town

BUT I know there's a better expression out there, currently eluding me..
Change log

Feb 17, 2011 08:19: Yuri Larin Created KOG entry


PaulinaK (asker) Feb 12, 2011:
However, synonyms for *extend* do not all relate to the *drawn-out* definition you mentioned.

For example, *augment* and *enhance* are both synonyms, but have nothing to do with tedious protraction.

PS: LOL! I can't believe the visiting mother-in-law is an actual example ;)
GaryG Feb 12, 2011:
I would still use "extensive" if the emphasis is on more detail, and "extended" only if it were longer in time. From a Google definition:
Definitions of extended on the Web:

drawn-out: relatively long in duration; tediously protracted; "a drawn-out argument"; "an extended discussion"; "a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law"; "a prolonged and bitter struggle"; "protracted negotiations"
PaulinaK (asker) Feb 12, 2011:
The reason I used "extended" (versus "extensive") is that the narrator already had several tours of the city with various relatives. This acquaintance, however, offered to give her a broader view (exposing her to the city's minority neighborhoods, rather than showing her the usual tourist attractions).

..I apologize for not providing this background info upon 1st submitting the question..

Proposed translations

7 hrs

pls see below

... take (lead) smb on a detailed (or “in-depth”) tour of … (if there’s no tongue in cheek there as in “девушка, давайте поедем в лес, я вам город покажу …”)

Also, "show smb around the city and point out a lot of sights (landmarks, etc.)", "in-depth sightseeing", "an extended tour of the..."

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I'm going with in-depth, since the narrator already had several other (more superficial) tours ."
5 mins


I think you have the root right, but this is the form of the word that I think most people would use.
Does this refer to either the time and number of sights to be seen? Of course, it normally takes a lot of time to properly see many sights, but..
Peer comment(s):

agree MariyaN (X)
40 mins
agree Roman Bardachev
1 hr
agree Jack Doughty
5 hrs
agree Denis Shepelev
6 hrs
agree Vladimir Dubisskiy : indeed, Gary, indeed :-)
12 hrs
Something went wrong...
9 mins


This could be a good translation since расширать can mean to expand.
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1 hr


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13 hrs

to show me all around the town"show him all around the town...

Note added at 13 hrs (2011-02-10 16:01:17 GMT)

obviously the colloquial approach
Peer comment(s):

agree LanaUK
22 hrs
Thank you, Lana.
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3 days 19 hrs

to show all the ins and outs / the upsides and the downsides

Those might be options, especially if you need to contrast it with the more superficial tours the person already had.
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5 days

a grand tour

a conprehensive tour
Example sentence:

they took me on a grand tour of their new house

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