Jan 20, 2003 14:13
22 yrs ago
Russian term
Russian to English
Мы у себя в Мячково решили поддержать стремление многих наших граждан подняться в небо в кабине пилота самолета. Ввели щадящие, вполне разумные тарифы на “квартирование”. В Мячково один за другим потянулись самолеты и вертолетыWe decided to back up many our citizens, who aspire to rise into the sky in pilot cockpit. We set sparing and quite reasonable rates for
тут квартирование как размещение самолетов на аэродроме скорее всего
ка кбы это сказать
тарифы на хранение размещение самолетов на аэродроме
тут квартирование как размещение самолетов на аэродроме скорее всего
ка кбы это сказать
тарифы на хранение размещение самолетов на аэродроме
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
1 hr
reworded translation
that does not sound like a translation, I suggest the following:
We at Myachkovo support many of our people's dream of becoming pilots. Our parking rates are affordable and quite reasonable. And one by one you now see plane and helicopter [pilots/owners coming to take advantage of this].
I'd really be careful about translating "граждане" since the direct translation "citizen" produces an almost comical/quasi-Cold war tone to the text. Picture Soviet movies from the 50s. While the contemporary connotation in modern Russian is a certain formality, the English should use words like "people, nationals, etc."
If you want to translate "подняться в небо в кабине пилота самолета" with a fluorish, you could say: "...dream of aiming for the skies in a cockpit".
We at Myachkovo support many of our people's dream of becoming pilots. Our parking rates are affordable and quite reasonable. And one by one you now see plane and helicopter [pilots/owners coming to take advantage of this].
I'd really be careful about translating "граждане" since the direct translation "citizen" produces an almost comical/quasi-Cold war tone to the text. Picture Soviet movies from the 50s. While the contemporary connotation in modern Russian is a certain formality, the English should use words like "people, nationals, etc."
If you want to translate "подняться в небо в кабине пилота самолета" with a fluorish, you could say: "...dream of aiming for the skies in a cockpit".
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Teresa Pearce
1 hr
agree |
Oleg Pashuk (X)
1 hr
agree |
Elizabeth Adams
: absolutely, but I would say "support the dream shared by many of becoming pilots"
2 hrs
yes, definitely better. Thanks Liz
agree |
Alexandra Tussing
2 hrs
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 mins
plane and chopper parking / berthing
Менее уверен по второму слову...
Note added at 2003-01-20 14:21:14 (GMT)
You can say \"helicopter\" instead of \"chopper\"
Note added at 2003-01-20 14:21:14 (GMT)
You can say \"helicopter\" instead of \"chopper\"
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Yuri Geifman
: berthing is more applicable to boats, I think... parking sounds fine
26 mins
А вот это точно.
agree |
Alexandra Tussing
2 hrs
21 mins
Что, теперь решили поиздеваться над английским языком? :-)
Если уж писать, тогда надо:
"We decided to back up many OF our citizens (запятую убрать) who aspire to rise into the sky in (pilot убрать) A cockpit. We set sparing and quite reasonable rates for"
Если писать "cockpit", это уже означает, что пилот.
"We decided to back up many OF our citizens (запятую убрать) who aspire to rise into the sky in (pilot убрать) A cockpit. We set sparing and quite reasonable rates for"
Если писать "cockpit", это уже означает, что пилот.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Yuri Geifman
: accommodate might sound better than back up
8 mins
agree |
Alexandra Tussing
3 hrs
2 hrs
"housing" your plane or helicopter
можно писать: "housing". Это сохраняет оригинальные кабычки.
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